This is how the Netanyahu couple’s gift industry thrived around the clock Ben Mercury

by time news

1. Sequence principle
The pattern we see is reminiscent of crime families. Goods transported in sealed black bags. Code names for blurring the goods that change hands. A prosecution witness who comes to court under security. A plaintiff who has been surrounded by security guards for a long time. A defamation and blackmail campaign whose job is to create the impression that “this is what everyone does.” Amok attack on the legitimacy of the law enforcement system.

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A poison and threat machine that is activated, in all its predatory power, on anyone who does not align with the message page, including journalists. If you compare the rebuke speech that Yitzhak Abergil delivered after his sentencing to the speech that Netanyahu gave on the opening day of his trial and everything that his foolish and foolish followers have been saying ever since, you will not find much difference. Below is a summary of criminals: We live in the Banana Republic. One word of the police must not be believed. Of the State Attorney’s Office. Of the courts. Bags are sewn here. Mark innocent citizens and ruin their lives. All systems need to be collapsed, gatekeepers and public servants interrogated and the poison machine let go forever.

The inconceivable reality that is being revealed in the sunlight in the testimony of Hadas Klein has been familiar to the readers of this column for over a decade. I once called it the “Netanyahu Family Gift Industry.” Milchen? Barely a fish. There are dozens like him. Financing vacations, suits, valuable gifts. There is one who even opened a newspaper for Netanyahu. And another who opened a “heritage channel” to commemorate the family’s legacy. But it is seemingly legal (only in Israel can it be legal). Netanyahu’s list of billionaires and millionaires was once published (in Yedioth Ahronoth).

Each received a grade according to his fortune and accessibility (ie his consent to donate, finance, hold or donate his fortune to the Netanyahu family). The principle is simple: one should, all the time, give them, and especially her, gifts. Anyone who has ever been close to this family knows. A procedure of governmental privatization was carried out here. Netanyahu is proud, and rightly so, of being the largest item in Israel. Then the access to the Holy of Holies of the government, into the aquarium in the Prime Minister’s Office, to the couple’s private home, was also privatized. Those who give gifts, get free access.

Hadas Klein (Photo: Olivier Fitoussi, Flash 90)

This gift industry thrives around the clock, anywhere, anytime, and weather. It is not just millionaires who are being demanded to constantly inject expensive gifts. Even just people, sometimes even public servants and bureau workers. And as mentioned, it is not geographically limited. Before flying abroad there was a regular practice with a simple practice: before the arrival of the royal couple, all the billionaires and wealthy close to that country (usually the US, but also Europe) received a warning containing one important detail: Bibi and Sarah are celebrating something. His, her, one of the sons’ birthdays, anniversaries, there is always a memorial date in some proximity to the visit (not including the missing daughter’s birthday). Just gifts.There is a lower threshold, yes?

By the way, the 1000 case was mistakenly called the “gift affair.” A gift is something you bring to someone on your own initiative. The 1000 portfolio has a regular, ongoing supply line of benefits worth close to NIS 1 million. The unfortunate Milchen and Packer did not bring any presents. They were required to bring supplies. When they were in the country, and also when they were not in it. When they lived in their fancy villas, and even when they did not live in them. The description of the Netanyahu couple spending time in the villa next to their house, which belongs to Packer, looting from it whatever they want (Packer not in Israel at all), receiving directly for fresh delivery of cigars and pink champagne, arouses nausea in any non-bibistic human stomach. They have a similar villa and a similar pool half a meter away, but hey, at Packer it’s free, and the lady also “really likes the food the housekeeper prepares, Monday” (Hadas Klein testimony, this week).

These stories have no end. You know them. As early as 2017, in a column published on these very pages, the title of the new hobby of the “Second Israel” messenger in the world: to dip the precious Cuban cigar in Coventro liqueur. There is also a story about a very senior American strategic adviser, a personal friend of Milchen, who provided Netanyahu with strategic consulting services, wrote speeches for him and prepared him for visits to the United States, free no money.

That is, at Milchen’s expense. This week we learned that one Friday night a phone call came from the bureau to Hadas Klein with an ultimate demand to immediately bring to the villa in Caesarea a bottle of Quentro liqueur, because Bibi likes to dip his cigar in it. Milchen’s driver, Jonathan, was immediately sent to search for places open on Saturday night to meet the demand, lest everyone be swallowed up. Friday night, yes? The second representative of Israel, we have already said. The man the ultra-Orthodox and religious Zionism wanted to visit. I guess the couple’s favorite spawn place was not absent from the dinner that preceded Quantro.

2. “There is nothing to do”
How do bibists deal with these descriptions? Some are repressive. Some argue that Hadas Klein is lying (her version has been verified by Milchen himself, by the driver, by the suppliers, by the house managers of Packer and Milchen). One of them, the lightest, had already circulated a picture of Klein’s home yesterday. Next, a pergola will appear. Then something will be told about her son and thus she will join a growing gang of criminals who have dared to raise a hand against the leader.

Others say hey, this is not Bibi, this is Sarah at all. And she, as Advocate Jacob Weinroth has often said and hinted, is not really responsible for her drinks. So this week we heard that Netanyahu knew everything. He knew, and cooperated. What she wants. “He himself often opened the door for the driver who brought the champagne.

Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

But there is another way to deal with this horror, and it is also the more dangerous way: trying to create a feeling that it is not just Bibi and Sarah, it is everyone. Corrupt people. This is the way of the world. there’s nothing to do. But only Bibi is persecuted. Selective enforcement! Unlawful discrimination against those who represent the second Israel and the weaker sections !!! Harassment of Bibi only because of his background. Oh, actually, because of his political views.

Reminder: The political views of Netanyahu’s persecutors, Avichai Mandelblit and Roni Alsich, for example, are right-wing from the victim’s political views. But these facts do not interest anyone. This week I came across, to my dismay, a TV set that was tuned to Channel 13 in the early afternoon. Almog Boker brought up two of the channel’s commentators, the legal commentator Baruch Kara and the commentator on incitement, conflict and righteousness, Avishai Ben-Haim.

He read a report on the day’s events at the trial, and Ben Haim reiterated his scaly hegemony and persecution, but added a complaint: “Why did they not make such a persecution to Yitzhak Rabin, or to someone like that, why only to the representative of the other Israel?” (Not an exact quote). Yes, the doctor said that. Kara tried to remind him that Yitzhak Rabin was forced to resign after Attorney General Aharon Barak opened an investigation into a technical offense of holding a foreign currency account abroad (in those days it was forbidden) by his wife. The offense itself was a fine offense. But Rabin did not hesitate. He understood, told Barak that his wife and he were the same, put the keys and went home. He was the prime minister.

Do you think Ben Haim listened? Audio? Understood? no and no. “So what about Ben-Gurion,” he shouted, “I know he also received presents.” Our esteemed Ben-Haim, in the Ben-Gurion era there was no enforcement here against government corruption. It’s the truth. At that time we also expelled Arabs from their homes. And dried up swamps. there were days. Enforcement against government corruption began in the days of Spokesman Barak, and was initially aimed at Mapai rule. That is, against “hegemony.” Rabin is just one example. Avraham Ofer committed suicide, Yaakov Levinson committed suicide, of which Yadlin was imprisoned. And we have not yet talked about the “persecution” against Ehud Olmert. And Abraham Hirchson. And many many others other than Netanyahu.

This is the method: instead of vomiting the corruption out of us, they try to infect it on everyone else. Bibi got presents, okay, some cigars and some champagne, but Bennett stole 50 million! This is, of course, a gross, manipulative, completely unfounded lie. It was created in Ayala Hasson’s studio, which is based on a factual stump and builds a fictional tower on it. The state did not invest a single shekel in the Bennett family’s home on the family’s initiative or demand. The General Security Service determined what needed to be built. All the works were invested in security measures. There was no improvement of the property itself. The only amount invested inside the house was NIS 160,000 in a study for the prime minister (mainly wiretapped media, etc.).

Do these facts prevent the bunch of liars from continuing to confess this lie to us? No. The poison machine works at full vigor and, to his dismay, manages to convince citizens who are not really well versed in the details that the lie is true. Ayala Hasson said somewhere this week that she will continue to nod with this story and insist that it be investigated. I remembered that in the case of Gabi Ashkenazi in the Harpaz affair, she did continue to rock for ten consecutive years. 120 months. What did she not accuse Ashkenazi of? Except for the murder of Arlozorov, in all. But there was nothing. Did you learn a lesson? Did not study.

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