This is how the Solemnity of Corpus Christi was celebrated in America

by time news

2023-06-12 01:02:00

June 11, 2023 / 6:02 p.m.

Although the Solemnity of Corpus Christi is celebrated on the first Thursday after the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, in several dioceses the ceremonies are moved to Sunday for pastoral reasons.

In this sense, the celebration of the Body of Christ has been commemorated this weekend in archdioceses such as Buenos Aires (Argentina), Quito (Ecuador), Santiago de Cuba and in the Diocese of Palm Beach (United States).


In the case of the Argentine capital, the ceremony was presided over on Saturday by Cardinal Mario Poli, Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, from the atrium of the cathedral.

In the last celebration of Corpus Christi that he presides over, pending the inauguration of Bishop Jorge Ignacio García as the new Archbishop, Cardinal Poli encouraged the faithful to renew their conviction of being “the Church of the Eucharist, missionary and solidarity, as the Synod taught us”.

“In other words, a Church that celebrates life from end to end of our existence, because we do not stop appreciating that each one of us comes from the hands of the Creator, who has left the imprint of his image and likeness on all his children, destined to glory,” he said.


In Ecuador, the streets of the center of the capital Quito were covered with carpets of flowers and the Mass was celebrated in the cathedral by the Archbishop, Msgr. Alfredo Espinoza, who highlighted the country’s traditions, but pointed out that “we cannot stay in a very colorful celebration.

“There is something else: a celebration must lead to life”, pointed out the Archbishop of Quito.

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The Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba celebrated this solemnity this Sunday with a Mass in the Basilica of Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre.

The homily was delivered by Fr. Juan Elizalde, who affirmed that in the current situation in Cuba, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi “is very useful for us to put things in their place.” The priest indicated that “we cannot be satisfied with accompanying Jesus in this Eucharist, on the day of Corpus Christi, and then enclosing him, without further consequence, in the conscience of each one, and at least leaving him closed in the Tabernacle.

“This Solemnity of Corpus Christi must challenge us. What do I do for the Lord? Do I publicly manifest my religious convictions not only with words but also with gestures, with behaviors?” he asked.


Through its social networks, the Diocese of Palm Beach shared photos of the procession that took place this Sunday.

The procession was led by the rector of the Cathedral of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Fr. Gavin Badway. “Many braved the heat to pray the Rosary, honor the Real Presence of Jesus and begin the year-long parish phase of the National Eucharistic Revival,” the Diocese said on its Facebook account.

Eduardo Berdejo is a graduate of the National University of San Marcos (Peru). He has been part of the ACI Prensa team since 2001.

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