“This is how we can make PASOK a majority again” – 2024-07-06 09:01:59

by times news cr

2024-07-06 09:01:59

Written by Vaios Kalopitas Member of KPE PASOK

PASOK is once again at a critical turning point in its history. Perhaps the most crucial, because this seems to be his last chance to once again become a leading force in the center-left world and get back on track to claim power.

He has a huge opportunity to take advantage of, and this is none other than to express the huge political vacuum in the center, in the space that PASOK traditionally addressed.

In recent years, two important steps have been taken. From 4% it reached 8% with the late Fofi Gennimata and with Nikos Androulakis it took another step from 8% to 13%.

Is that enough? Obviously not for a party with the claims but also the history of PASOK.

In the recent European elections, PASOK had an increase in its electoral power in contrast to ND and SYRIZA who lost thousands of voters, but it did not manage to achieve the electoral and political goals set by its president Nikos Androulakis. The failure to achieve the goals of making PASOK the official opposition of the country necessarily brings revisions and opportunities for a restart.

On October 13, after the President’s proposal to the Central Committee, all friends and members of PASOK will have the opportunity to make a brave restart.

And here the following question arises: How does a democratic organization like PASOK take the message of the ballot box and proceed with similar moves? In contrast – for example – to the ND Government which, while it lost 13 points as a deafening message of disapproval, was content with a reshuffle that for us acrites if it had not taken out the

Dodecanese minister Mr. G. Pappa, we would not have realized that it took place.

PASOK does not have a problem with people, on the contrary, it has sufficient executive potential. The crisis that has been created is primarily a matter of politics. What PASOK needs to demonstrate is not the person who can beat Mitsotakis, but to tell us why and how it can beat him in order to create a progressive pole that will defeat New Democracy in the next national elections.

The movement must prove that its ideas are in the majority and succeed first of all in ideologically defeating the ND and the neoliberalism it advocates, through the dishonesty of the markets, the shrinking of the incomes of the poorest and the widening of social inequalities. In other words, to prove that it can impose rules and regulate the markets for the benefit of the weakest. And now he has 3 years to work hard to achieve it.

If we want the members and friends of PASOK to become a Government with solid foundations in the next elections, we have to change a lot. We will certainly not achieve this by blaming each other, for whether he fought or not in the European elections. Everyone gave everything they could, hundreds of executives all over Greece. No one made a “white strike”, no one ran more than another.

We need to recommend:

1. Plan for the country: We need to present a specific plan for Greece in the medium and long term. The citizens must know where the country will be after 3, 5 and 10 years with the PASOK Government.

2. Communication: Our communication must be effective and transparent. Our proposals must reach society and inform citizens. A communication that upgrades the role of the leader as a candidate for prime minister and at the same time of his leadership team

3. Organization: Our hierarchy must be strong and cohesive. President, Secretary and Organs must work together harmoniously to create a party that feels welcome in society.

Greek society has expressed its abstention in the elections, and this calls for action. It is important to carefully consider the proposals and changes proposed by the candidates.

Those who aspire to lead the Movement must explain to us:

-What are their proposals for the organization of the party.

-What is the role and position of the country in the context of their proposals.

-How they intend to ensure mass participation in the polls, regardless of the result.

What is certain is that a range of strong and worthy contenders is being created. We have to see their political proposals.

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