This is how you drive wasps off the table

by time news

DFrom a culinary point of view, summer is simply unbeatable. Freshly picked berries, tomatoes, as colorful as they are tasty, grilled steaks, refreshing cocktails – no matter what is served, it simply tastes better al fresco. If it weren’t for the wasps. The annoying insects can ruin even the most beautiful garden party. Because a wasp rarely comes alone, and nobody wants to be stung. But there are several ways to keep the uninvited visitors away from the celebration.

Put some coffee powder in a fireproof bowl and set it on fire. Wasps don’t like smoke or smell. If there is a bowl with this unpleasant mixture on the dining table, you should be able to eat in peace. If you don’t want to expose yourself to the smell of burnt coffee, you can deter yourself in other ways. Wasps don’t like the smell of basil and cloves. The herbs can be crushed and spread where wasps are undesirable. Citronella candles also let the little animals evaporate, these are available in most drugstores and hardware stores – and candlelight always creates a nice atmosphere!

Bild: Kai Felmy

But, admittedly, even these tricks are no guarantee that the wasps will disappear. The food smells just too tempting. Each of us has certainly walked past a neighborhood barbecue party sniffing enviously and thought: “Oh, that would taste pretty good too!” That’s pretty much what the wasps must be like. It is therefore advisable to lay an extra table at the next barbecue party: a small plate with leftovers, such as fruit peels and the fatty edges of the meat, preferably a few meters away from the party. So the wasps can have a snack undisturbed, nothing stands in the way of the party.

If the little beasts can’t be driven away despite all your efforts, there is another good way to scare them away. All you need is a clean spray bottle full of water. You can spray it in the direction of the wasps, the atomized water simulates rain. Wasps don’t like that, of course, when it rains they instinctively retreat to their nest. And the best thing about this method is that in hot weather, the wasp repellent can point the spray bottle at itself – two wasps with one stone, so to speak.

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