This is how you get rid of those dark circles under your eyes

by time news

Whether it’s due to sleep deprivation or an annoying combination of genes: dark circles under your eyes are very annoying. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, of course, but we get it if you want to make them disappear. That’s why we give you some handy tips that will make those dark circles a thing of the past.

blood vessels

First things first: where do the dark circles under your eyes actually come from? The skin around your eyes is much thinner than the rest of your facial skin, because it contains no fatty tissue. Instead of fat, there are blood vessels and lymph nodes under the eyes. Because blood (which is darker than your skin) flows through it, it creates the darker color around your eyes.


The color under your eyes has to do with the blood vessels that lie under your skin. However, there are several causes that can cause that skin to turn extra dark. For example, it can be caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, zinc or iron. Rubbing your eyes often can also irritate the skin and cause dark circles.

Other causes for dark circles under your eyes are genes, stress and screen time. We all know that it is not good for our eyes to spend a lot of time in front of screens. Dark circles are one of many adverse effects. In addition, tension in your body causes the color to drain from your face, making dark circles more prominent. And unfortunately, bad genes can also play a role.

What you can do

What can you do if you want to get rid of those dark circles under your eyes? We give you five tips for a fresh look.

  1. Black tea contains tannin, which reduces the swelling and antioxidants you deliver to the skin. Place a damp, cold tea bag on each closed eye and let the tannins do their work.
  2. Stimulate the circulation of the blood in the blood vessels with a mini massage. Almond oil is very suitable for this. Put a few drops under each eye and rub gently from the inside out.
  3. You’ve probably heard (or seen in a movie) the tips to put cucumber slices on your eyes. This is not for nothing, because it really works. The vegetable contains moisture and vitamins that give the skin around your eyes a real refresher.
  4. Schüssler salt is a remedy that is often recommended in naturopathic medicine. The homeopathic salts restore the balance of the minerals in your body. As a result, your skin (including the skin under your eyes) will immediately look a lot fresher.
  5. A slightly more expensive option than cucumber slices, but also very effective: eye masks. Such masks help narrow blood vessels and lymph nodes in your face, brightening the skin around your eyes.

Source: Elegance | Image: iStock

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