this is how you help a highly sensitive child

by time news

Can your child get completely upset by a ticklish label or flashing lights in a movie? Then this may mean that your child is highly sensitive. How can

is high sensitivity
recognize in your child? And above all: how can you help as a parent?

What is High Sensitivity?

High sensitivity (HSP) is not a psychological complaint, but a personality trait. It can therefore not be determined by a psychiatrist or psychologist. It is an innate character trait. Highly sensitive children process stimulus more difficult and it takes more energy. It is confused with being anxious or difficult, but HSPs are more sensitive and, above all, think about things for longer. Studies show that almost 1 in 5 children (15 to 20% of children) are highly sensitive.


Below you will find the most common characteristics in highly sensitive children. Every child is unique, so your child’s characteristics may be different. These are some of the most common features.

  • More sensitive to stimuli such as loud noises, bright light or crowds
  • perfectionist
  • Poor resistance to change
  • Intense and intuitive
  • Often tired
  • Avoidance urge
  • Curious and thoughtful
  • Sensitive to the mood of others
  • Much worrying
  • Difficulty with surprises

This is how you can help your child

Fortunately, there are a lot of tips with which you can make the environment for your highly sensitive child as pleasant as possible.

Offer structure and predictability

Children who are highly sensitive attach great importance to structure. Provide structure and predictability in your child’s life. You can do this by making a fixed daily schedule, involve your child in this as well. Try to keep this routine, even during days off and holidays.

Be wary of busy environments

There are stimuli everywhere in everyday life: noise and crowds cannot always be avoided. In situations full of stimuli, a highly sensitive child has to use an enormous amount of energy to process all the information. This can make them angry, fierce or aggressive. Give your child space and time to withdraw after situations like this. Also ask your child what it needs.

Have patience

Highly sensitive children are very curious, often ask complicated questions and often think a step further. Always try to answer the questions and give them room for their curiosity.


Highly sensitive children need more rest. Make sure your child gets enough sleep and give your child fixed moments of rest during the day. Also make sure your child has a place where he can retreat if necessary.

Give your child time

Highly sensitive children estimate risks more highly and are therefore less open to the unknown. For example, they learn to cycle late. Then don’t try to push your child, that’s how you create resistance. What works better: acknowledge the fear and think together how you can get over it step by step.

Teach your child to take care of himself

Highly sensitive children are often too focused on the environment, which makes it more difficult for them to take care of themselves. Teach your child how to watch their limits and how to rest and recharge after a busy day. Clinical psychologist Van Hoof wrote two books about high sensitivity and subscribes to them Psychology Magazine: “I refuse to ‘treat’ children at first. If parents show you how to take good care of yourself, the problems disappear in nine cases out of ten.”


Is your child highly sensitive? There is a good chance that it can do a lot of things very well. According to Van Hoof, HSPs can easily make connections, see details, be creative and have an eye for others. Emphasize those positive sides and highlight those character traits.

Notify teachers

Notify your child’s teacher. In this way, it can also be taken into account in the classroom, so that the classroom is also a safe environment for your child.

Bron: Psychology magazine

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