This is not the end of the dream / Day

by times news cr

2024-08-03 06:16:12

Already tomorrow (the conversation took place on Wednesday) you will experience your Olympic debut. What’s your mood?

I’m not worried at the moment, because the most important thing is to work hard in training, so that I can compete fully afterwards. There is no time to really think about it, the main thing right now is the next training session.

You went to Paris last Thursday – a day before the opening ceremony and a week before the first Olympic start. What was the schedule like during this time?

Mostly there are training sessions twice a day, but not so long, more concise.

You also attended the wet Opening Ceremony. What was it like from your point of view?

We were all wet, it was cold, but unique. Maybe the first part in the boats not so much, but the end at the Eiffel Tower was impressive, I will never forget it.

It was completely staged for the television audience, you only experienced that you could see the hundreds of thousands of people on the shore…

I don’t know anything about what was shown on TV, I didn’t see it. I just stood on the boat and greeted people, but at the end I watched the concert.

You were one of those Latvian athletes who stayed until the end, after the boat section, despite the terrible weather, without returning to the Olympic village. What made the biggest impression on you?

The light show on the Eiffel Tower was very impressive, and we were standing right next to the stage, so we also saw everything that happened on it.

During these Olympic Games, several Latvian athletes have already made headlines for wanting to take a picture with such and such a superstar. When we talked a year ago, you told the story of how you wanted to go to the concert of singer Harry Styles, and you’re really an ordinary girl first – tell me who was the brightest person you’ve met or who would you like to meet here?

Nauris Barley! I saw one player from the National Basketball Association (NBA), but I don’t know his name. I also exchanged badges with the girl who won the gold in road cycling that day, but I didn’t recognize her, only the coach told me. I would like to meet Stefan Curry.

However, last year you also told me that you wanted to win, so that people would ask you for autographs and ask you to take pictures.

It’s always cool to do something big, to win the highest possible place.

What is the atmosphere like in the Latvian house in the Olympic Village?

Everyone is quite united and cool, the doctors and physiotherapists are very helpful, they do everything so that we can give our all.

With which athlete do you maybe start a new friendship?

The circle of acquaintances is definitely growing, but I lived alone in my room all this time. Anastasija Carbonari, a highway cyclist, arrived yesterday, but she came only at night, so we haven’t really talked about it yet.

However, the main task for you here is to ride a bike. What can you say about the Paris Olympic BMX track?

A big track, not one of the easiest ones, the speed is also high there. You will need speed to be able to jump everywhere without losing time.

Have you had any timed workouts to get some reference points and be able to gauge the balance of potential forces?

When we were here in the training camp a month ago, there was time control, but now in official training we have not had anything like that.

What would you be satisfied with?

The higher the better. I have set goals for myself, but I don’t want to say them publicly. I’ll do what I can, and then we’ll see.

Although it was initially planned that in order to qualify for the Olympic Games, it would be necessary to enter the top ten of the Nations, in the end the circumstances came together so that 13th place was enough for Latvia. How closely did you follow it?

That’s more what the coach did, I didn’t go into it. We had big matches – World Championship, European Championship – I focused on that and didn’t think too much about the situation with the Olympics.

However, for the fact that you want to leave, you have already thought about it!

Of course yes. When we found out that Latvia has one quota, we were very happy.

You had internal competition with your training partner Vineta Petersons for this use of one quota. Did you immediately realize that you scored more points in the Nations Ranking during the selection cycle, so you should go to the games?

No. (Spirits take off.) At that moment, it was agreed that the one who could handle the Paris track better, would also drive.

So the selection was not based on the points you earned, but how you did here in the training camp?

More or less yes. Points also, but additionally there was this criterion.

How many times in your career have you competed with world-class elite athletes?

One? Two? One in the USA and one in Latvia, and there were only three elite athletes in Latvia – two from the Netherlands and Vineta. Therefore, these will be the first ones in which I will participate with all the strongest ones.

What were your conclusions after those USA matches?

That it’s cool to ride with them, it’s not easy, but I can fight. You can see from the driving style that they are more experienced, they ride their own line, not risky, they don’t run into each other. That’s what I like about them. Some of them have been training for ten years longer than me, therefore they have been to many more competitions, they have much more experience, they know much more scenarios, what and how can happen.

What is the main thing you need to learn right now?

Start hill.

Still? You said the same thing a year ago!

Track speed and starting hill are key. Of course, the technique can always be applied.

A year ago, you and the coach didn’t really have a clear system of what to do this season in order to be able to qualify, there was also an option that you had to move to the elite group, which you didn’t want, because it’s better to make a gradual transition, gaining experience in the U23 class. In the end, you didn’t really consider the possibility that you could go to the elite now?

We tried to qualify for the Olympic Games through the U23 group and we succeeded. In addition, this was not a bad season for me in the U23 competition, I won what I wanted, and even better than I wanted.

What is this even better than you wanted?

Two weeks after the victory in the world championship, there was the European championship, but I didn’t really like the track, I hadn’t done full training. Of course, I hoped for a victory, a high place, but it seemed quite unrealistic at the time. I reached the final, it was the eighth track again, I put everything I could into it, and it worked out.

During this last year, you really struggled a lot, the results were not as high as expected from you, but despite that, you managed to win all the main competitions. Is it a matter of mood?

All athletes are preparing for the main competition. It’s not like I went to the World Cups for a ride, but it really didn’t go as I wanted, there were also small injuries from time to time. However, everything came together for the World Championship and that is the main thing.

Already the year before last, when you were still racing for juniors, there was a competition in which you showed a better time in the final than the winner of the elite group final. Does it still work, or did you hope it would be regular now, but when it doesn’t, you have to beat yourself up and get disappointed?

If I’m given a free space or if I get in front right after the start and no one is bothering me, I can do a good lap. However, it is also like any track, for us every track is different. Some succeed more, others not so much. I may have had a good time at the World Championships, but I don’t really watch them myself.

The race in Paris will take place late in the evening. What does it change for you?

Nothing really, I don’t like getting up in the morning, so I don’t mind this format. I will be able to sleep well in the morning, relax and prepare during the day. If there’s a race in the evening, I’m usually less stressed. Maybe tomorrow, when the competition will actually take place in the evening, I will feel differently, but at the moment it seems so.

When I talked to your coach about whether we can conduct an interview at an unofficial time the day before the start, he replied that we certainly can, so that you can gain experience in interviews. How do you feel in such conversations?

I guess it’s good. This isn’t something that throws me out of rhythm or disturbs me, rather it lifts my spirits a little more and makes it easier to prepare.

But you are more of an introvert, not so talkative!

I’m shy, I’m pressured to do these interviews. (Smiles.)

You are only 18 years old, just finished high school – do you perceive what you are going through these weeks as a dream or just one step towards much higher goals?

This is part of the dream, but certainly not the end of the dream.

He has only been riding BMX seriously for seven years. From the Latvian Olympic delegation, only figure jumper Džeja Patrikas seems to be doing so little with the specific sport. What advice would you give to the kids watching live from Paris to be at the next games eight years from now?

Endurance, willpower, keep your dreams and motivation level.

But first you have to find the right sport!

Do what you like and what you won’t get tired of even if you do it every day.

Seven years ago, you certainly didn’t dream of high goals either, because you just wanted to ride a BMX bike that you thought was stylish.

Six years ago, I may have already started dreaming. (Smiles.)

Before the start, you always make eye contact with the coach, who gives the last instructions – will it be the same in the Olympic Games?

Definitely. I don’t know where the coaches will watch the competition, but it will definitely be necessary.

And finally, the most important question – you have a superstition that you need white socks, lucky gloves and a hair tie. What will you wear to the start in Paris?

White socks, white underwear and I will also have a white Latvian uniform, as well as Latvian gloves. I don’t know about the hair band yet – I don’t know if I have the white one with me. The hair elastic superstition is no longer relevant because the successful hair elastic is gone. The main ones are white socks and white underwear!

2024-08-03 06:16:12

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