This is starting to go a long way! But Braun-Pivet and Barnier are not Lady Astor and Churchill

by time news

2024-10-28 10:00:00

This is how Yaël Braun-Pivet, president of the National Assembly, formulated the gist of the outburst she addressed “from the perch” (1) against the Government on 20 October 2024, at the opening of the debates on the budget.

YES. He was in the National Assembly, and not with Jean-Jacques Bourdin. (1)

And here is the complete text of this “outburst”:

“This debate should not take place on the surface. It’s not just about exchanging good words. This is the medium-term structural and budget plan, which the Government will have to send to the European institutions by the end of the month. The date of this debate has been known for two weeks. The plan had to be communicated to us by October 15th at the latest. It wasn’t. On Friday I had to intervene personally to ensure that the debate continued and that the documents necessary for it were sent to us. Yesterday we finally received a draft plan. I thank you, Ministers, for this broadcast which will allow the Assembly to discuss today the essential issues relating to the prospects for the recovery of our public finances and the planning of our priority investments. The fact remains that the communication of a provisional document so late, on Sunday, on the eve of the debate, is not satisfactory. And that’s starting to go a long way. We have already had this problem with a report on the debt, which was only sent to us on Friday 12 October for a debate scheduled for the 15th. And here too we had to insist. And so I ask the Government to guarantee that Parliament’s rights are better respected. Democracy is a precious asset and I invite everyone not to weaken it. »

I put “vent” in quotes, because in reality, as usual, all this is just smoke and mirrors to entertain the gallery. Trying to make the French, who are still deceived, believe that state politicians (executive power and Parliament) care about the problems of the French and the problems of France. Problems that, for the most part, were generated by state politicians.

It would therefore be surprising if Yaël Braun-Pivet worried about the French difficulties. Likewise the ministers (Michel Barnier, Prime Minister, and Antoine Armand, Minister of Economy and Finance) with whom she complained publicly.

Because really, what is he complaining about?

Because with this financial law that creates profits, and this Barnier government that works to remove the little that remains from the pockets of the French, In fact, for some time now it has been a little too obvious that everyone is banging on the cash register. That the Republic consists of a political system that allows the rich caste in power to continually serve themselves at the expense of the taxpayer, the eternal cow to be milked! The parasitic appetite of elected officials and senior officials is there is an insatiable pointthat they must constantly press it more and more, dry it so much, that soon it will only produce powdered milk.

Hence the need for the guardians of the flock to continue smoking, so that people do not notice the direction in which they are taking them: and this is not that of common sense, but rather that of slaughter, with the exception of their little people, of course. However, in order to escape this” Because it’s our project! » that they have for the French people, they must be a little more discreet, all of them, while counting the beggars, a task that Emmanuel Macron commissioned Michel Barnier.

It is so obvious that if we do not immediately put a stop to this openly managed practice, it will be visible to everyone, including the few French people who still believe in national representation, as well as those who have understood that they have been deceived all their lives, but who , hiding their eyes, they no longer see anything, to avoid that, once they finally become aware, this shame that has devoured them ever since, of having been so stupid as not to have noticed it before, encourages them to commit suicide, or worse, to rebel, take out pitchforks and spades, whatever the consequences, and thus proceed with a remake of history.

The main guardian of the temple, Yaël Braun-Pivet, as president of the National Assembly, had to call her troops to order.


At that moment, when the “final count” is taking place, she doesn’t want to be the only one having to pay the bill, if, instead of killing each other as expected, the beggars riot as mentioned above.

Hence this sentence that she allowed herself at the end of her speech:

« Democracy is a precious asset and I invite everyone not to weaken it. »

Message you sent to your liquidator colleagues which therefore should be translated as:

« Our cash register is a precious asset and I invite each of my accomplices to empty it discreetly. »

The same goes for the verbal spat that the deputies of the RN and the PFN engage in, again in the hemicycle, during the debates on the Barnier government’s 2025 finance law. The law that will decide the terms of this counting.

Jean-Philippe Tanguy as figureheads on the one hand, in front of David Guiraud and Éric Coquerel on the other, they listen to all those who mock the trust of the French people, insulting each other like four-year-olds in kindergarten, and who, all caught with their hands in hand, in the jam jar, mutually refuse to take responsibility for a crime to which everyone contributed, and to which everyone continues to contribute. (

And what’s more, it’s as if they were under the influence of drugs. The drug use is also “a little” too obvious.

The deputies of the RN, it is understandable. Marine le Pen, president of the RN group in the National Assembly, is currently in court, precisely for having hit rock bottom in a far too visible way, instructions have been given to the RN deputies, to collaborate with their political colleagues in whose hands justice is Now. Somehow, unfortunately, it makes sense. Florian Philippot, former RN he explains it very well in this video.

If all this were just a selfish dispute between cronies, between gravediggers of the Republic who compete for the division of the loot. That is, if the deputies of the RN and NFP were true opponents of a Barnier government which they rightly accuse of being an insult made by Emmanuel Macron to the results of the polls, like a spit in the face of the electorate. Electoral body which, with an overwhelming majority of 66.6% of the votes cast during the legislative elections of June 2024, voted against the continuation of the diabolical plan against the French people… which Emmanuel Macron has been leading for seven years. If these childish squabbles were not nonsense, the RN deputies would have voted in favor of the motion of censure that the PFN deputies presented two weeks ago during Michel Barnier’s general political speech. Secondly, the deputies of the RN and those of the PFN would each present one during the examination of the Barnier government’s finance law. And, thirdly, the deputies of the RN and those of the PFN would have already brought down the government by jointly voting on these two motions of censure.

Instead of being funny, they are pathetic. Light years away, in terms of talent, from the lively parliamentary debates of the past.

For example, if Yaël Braun-Pivet and Michel Barnier had had the talent that Lady Astor and Winston Churchill had in this matter, they would have preferred, instead of sounding this call in bad taste badly interpreted by Yaël Braun-Pivet… and at which Michel Barnier did not respond, taking up these invectives exchanged in the House of Commons (the equivalent of the English Parliament of our National Assembly) on 13 May 1940, during a genuine debate of ideas, between these two political figures of truly different beliefs, and who entered politics to serve, and not to “serve” themselves:

NOTE: Winston Churchill borrowed these words from the Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi, who pronounced them to him for the first time in Rome, on 2 July 1849, in front of his “Red Shirts”, i.e. the volunteers who committed themselves to him for the liberation of territories occupied by foreign powers, and for the unification of Italy.

(1) definitely, he’s chasing me. Oh yes! My friend Jean-Jacques had already appeared in my previous editorial. We want to see the accounts.

#starting #long #BraunPivet #Barnier #Lady #Astor #Churchill

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