This is the definition of persistent covid in Spain

by time news

Set of multiorgan symptoms not attributable to other causes that persist after the acute phase of the infection. That is the definition of persistent covid in Spain that the Ministries of Health and Science and Innovation have agreed on.

Similar to others already proposed by organizations such as the WHO, it is accompanied by other conclusions of the study on the most frequent symptoms, their course and evolution, duration and severity, the aspects necessary for diagnosis, research priorities and the Institute’s study. of Health Carlos III on the impact on people’s quality of life.

Researchers have concluded several factors necessary to measure the impact of the Long Covid in quality of life: relationship with global health, physical function, psychological state, daily activity, social and family relationships, and work performance. Likewise, a consensus has been observed in paying special attention not only to the development of the disease, but also to the possible social consequences derived from it.

The study confirms that, in order to establish a possible diagnosis, it is necessary to have, in addition to the aforementioned definition, a previous diagnosis of acute infection, either with laboratory tests or by inclusion in the clinical history; rule out other health problems to which the symptoms may be linked; define possible previous health problems of the affected people, and differentiate the damage and sequelae caused by the acute infection from the symptoms that can be attributed to persistent covid.

All this is essential to consolidate this definition of the disease and to lay the diagnostic, clinical and care-related bases and the possible social and occupational consequences of the syndrome.

The researchers mention that, in the qualitative study, professionals and patients cite the female sex as a possible risk factor, a factor that also appears in the review of scientific literature -which is scarce-, along with age, the presence of comorbidities and hospitalization in the acute phase.

The possibility that certain symptoms in the acute phase, such as fatigue or dyspnea, may be a predictor of persistent symptoms is also cited, although scientific knowledge on this point is still scarce.

Regarding the evaluation of the severity of cases of persistent covid, the researchers point out that it is difficult to speak of ‘clinical severity’, and that the etiology and pathophysiology of this syndrome have not yet been described in depth, so a option is to describe profiles of functional alteration.

There has been consensus in paying special attention not only to the development of the disease, but also to the possible social consequences derived from it

Secondly, Preliminary results also point to the complexity of deciding on the suitability of establishing a specific definition and approach for possible cases in the pediatric population.due to the added difficulties in interpreting symptoms in this population, the non-existence of a clinical consensus and the lack of evidence in the scientific literature.

As for the symptoms, the most frequent are the following:

Neurocognitivos: memory loss, difficulty concentrating and confusion.

Musculoskeletal: joint or muscle pain and limited mobility. – Systemic: fatigue, weakness, fever and general malaise.

Neurological / neuromusculars: Distorted smell and taste, headache and lack of reflexes.

Psychological/psychiatric: anxiety, depression and sleep disturbances.

Respiratory/cardiopulmonarys: cough, sore throat, dyspnea and chest pressure.

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