This is the furthest IMSS hospital in Mexico

by time news

2023-08-17 20:06:38

The Social Security workforce is made up of just over 146,000 nurses and more than 84,000 doctors.
There is an IMSS hospital listed as the furthest in the country even though it is not in a rural area, do you know which one it is?
According to the most recent CONEVAL study, there are 50 million Mexicans without social security.

Public health is the backbone of any country because it is a service that cannot be done without. It is an element of vital importance and ideally it should be available to everyone. Unfortunately this is not always the case because there are entire regions that lack medical units and personnel. But have you ever wondered which is the furthest IMSS hospital in all of Mexico?

All Mexicans have the right to health although they do not always receive it

First of all, it is necessary to remember that the constitutional article 4 mentions that “everyone has the right to health protection”. But although the laws affirm so, the reality is quite different.

According to the most recent study of the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval) there are 50 million Mexicans without social security. The figure has even shown an increase in recent years.

However, within the field of public health, the IMSS has 71.6 million beneficiaries registered in its Ordinary Regime. Founded 80 years ago, its objective is to provide medical care to workers and their families.

The furthest IMSS hospital in Mexico

As part of its infrastructure, the IMSS has 1,531 Family Medicine Units (UMF), 251 General Hospitals, 25 High Specialty Medical Units (UMAE), 34 Ambulatory Care Units (UMAA), 16 Ophthalmology Care Centers, 10 Detection Units and Diagnosis of Breast Cancer, 18,774 offices, 1,119 operating rooms and 56,753 beds.

Although within all of the above there is an IMSS hospital that is known to be the furthest away in the entire country. In fact, it is not in a rural community, but rather in what some call “the end of the world”.


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In this case it is the General Hospital of Subzone with Family Medicine No. 13 of Isla Cedros. Its greatest feature is that it is 100 kilometers offshore from the Baja California Sur peninsula. Therefore, around it there is no trade or plant areas but only water.

And how many total workers does the IMSS have?

On the other hand, beyond the peculiarity of the most distant IMSS hospital in the entire country, it is necessary to talk about the workforce of the Institution. To date, it has a total of just over 146,000 nurses and more than 84,000 doctors. While on a typical day of activities, 404,118 consultations are granted, of which 303,469 are Family Medicine, 54,335 Specialties, 9,938 dental and 36,916 Emergencies.

To continue with the statistics, an average of 832 deliveries, 2,852 surgeries, 710,350 clinical analyses, 50,768 Radiodiagnostic studies, 11,338 Ecosonography, 6,668 Tomography, 237 Cardiopulmonary Physiology and 901 Magnetic Resonance are attended on average every day. In addition, 15,401 sessions of Inhalation Therapy, 1,844 of Radiotherapy, 7,529 of Hemodialysis, 21,215 of Physical Medicine and 1,048 of Nuclear Medicine, among others.

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#furthest #IMSS #hospital #Mexico

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