This is the limit of money you can carry on the street

by time news

You’ve probably never heard of it, but sure enough, There is a legal limit on the amount of money in cash that you can carry on the street. This stop is set at Law 10/2010, published on April 28 of that year. The objective of this regulation is to reduce money laundering, as well as the financing of terrorism. To do this, one of the measures that are implemented is the establishment of a maximum of physical money that can be carried on the street.

This figure is 100,000 euros within Spain. However, if you want to cross a border and enter another country, even one from the Schengen Area, the maximum amount is 10.000 euros. In either case, if you exceed it, you will have to comply with legal procedures corresponding, as well as declare the quantity.

For make a purchase in cash, however, the limit is in 1.000 eurosotherwise you will have to resort to another payment method.

In recent years, the use of cash has virtually died out. Card payments have become the preferred option of the majority of Spaniards who have been abandoning their visits to ATMs.

For this reason, when we take cash of the bank, it is important to keep a control that comes from the Treasury in order to combat tax fraud. To do this, it imposes a maximum amount of money that allows us to withdraw in one day. Each bank sets a money limit that customers can withdraw per day from the ATM. The figure varies depending on the bank, but it is usually established around 600 euros, although this limit can be modified by the user according to their preferencesbut always within the range allowed by law.

Currently, the Tax Agency allows a maximum withdrawal of 3,000 euros from the ATM. In order to obtain a higher amount, it will be necessary to provide the corresponding proof that we would obtain within the bank office, which will automatically notify the movement to the Bank of Spain and the Tax Agency.

Although this would be the maximum limit imposed by the Treasury, from amounts of 1,000 euros or more, the corresponding banking entity could request proof of the operationin addition to the user ID.

It is security measures They are intended to prosecute money laundering.

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