This is the speech that Carlos Saura wrote before he died to collect the Goya de Honor

by time news

The 37th edition of the Goya Awards in Seville has started with a tribute to the recently deceased filmmaker Carlos Saurain which his partner Eulalia Ramón has read a posthumous note in which the filmmaker thanks the awards received and claims to have been “very lucky”.

“Thanks to all of you who have remembered me, I have been very lucky shooting more than 50 films, crossing limits that I proposed as a young man. Thank you very much to everyone who has collaborated with me in this wonderful work, which is to make a film and, especially to my favorite actresses and actors, some of them already deceased”point to the text.

Saura has assured in this posthumous note that he is “happy” if his cinema “has served as an inspiration to today’s generation of directors”. “I see myself reflected as wandering star in the vastness of the cosmos. Imagination is faster than the speed of light, I’ve always said it. Thank you very much for this award and a shame not to be savoring it with all of you”, he added.

Ramón The reading of this note has begun with emotion claiming to know that the director is “watching” him. “I don’t know where, but I know that you are seeing me and here we are”, she pointed out, to later thank the number of messages received that they will answer.

“He asked me to thank Elsa, his caretaker until the end. To all the health personnel and also to the Villalba home palliative care team. Thank you for how you have taken care of us and make everything very sad but very beautiful. AND We think that public health deserves to be cared for just as public personnel take care of us. I’ll tell who it may be”has highlighted.

Ramón has been accompanied on stage by two of Saura’s children, Ana and Carlos. Ana Saura has explained that Saura he left “working until the last minute”. “He taught us that imagination has no limits, that you have to dedicate yourself to what you like and that Culture is the most important thing we have and we must promote it”has stated.

Saura’s daughter too He has claimed that his father believed that culture “does not understand ideologies or colors.” “It is our legacy and future, for which he has fought a lot regardless of the stones in the road and has been an example of life for those who dedicate themselves to art. We love you so much, thank you dad.” has asserted”.

Meanwhile, Carlos, another of Saura’s sons, has highlighted the “importance” of the four women in life, although sometimes “it has been treated from gossip.” Thus, he has named Adela Medrano, Geraldine Chaplin, Mercedes Pérez and Eulalia Ramón, thus “vindicating” the women who they have made his father “the person he was”.

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