This is the startup that has completed an impressive recruitment of tens of millions

by time news

LinearB employees (photo by Omar Friedman)

The start-up company LinearBWhich develops a system for automation and improving the productivity of development departments, has completed a round of recruitment from a series B Of $ 50 million in transportation Tribe Capital. Existing investors participated in the round Battery Ventures83North and- Salesforce Ventures The investment arm of the global technology giant. The current round brings the total investment in the company since its inception to $ 71 million.

LinearB Founded in 2019 by Uri Keren, who serves as CEO and Dan Lines, COOIn order to offer a solution to the absurd situation that the development departments, which are the most technical of all, find it difficult to use data in the process of making their decisions.

The platform of LinearB Connects to the organization’s software development systems and analyzes the development processes, work habits and dynamics in the team. Based on all of these it provides customized recommendations to the organization to empower development teams and help them improve their effectiveness.

Analytics Tool of LinearB Designed for group use among teams in order to help them work more correctly and orderly, by presenting objective and useful insights for continuous work. The system also provides information to executives and allows companies to see their situation compared to companies of a similar size in the rest of the industry.

The company has recorded a 5-fold growth over the past year, relying on a free tool that provides metrics development teams with insights into their workflow within minutes. This is in addition to paid products tailored to development organization managers, team leaders who can identify bottlenecks created at work, and developers who save time each day performing repetitive tasks.

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The use of LinearB Brings an average 64% increase in team work efficiency within about four months. The platform currently serves over 5,000 development teams that use it to improve performance. These include giant companies and unicorns in them Bumble, BigID, Cloudinary, Equinix, Unbabel and-Wire .

The company currently employs 60 people, most of them in the development center in Israel and the rest in the United States.

“We are building the tool I wanted when I was a developer, team leader and development manager, it has added value for everyone in the development system,” says Uri Keren, co-founder and CEO LinearB. “The round of recruitment expands our group of investors who recognize the enormous potential in our approach to streamlining developer work.”

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“The platform of LinearB It is already being used by more than 100,000 developers around the world who are benefiting from a significant and continuous improvement in their work, “says Sri Pangular, a partner at Tribe Capital who is now joining the company’s board of directors. LinearB Provides organizations with a complete picture of the field of development and the activities of the teams and enables them to achieve and maintain high efficiency in their work. ”

“Streaming data to development teams is the only viable way to improve their work,” says Alex Kyle of Salesforce Ventures. “The automation process that developers go through with adoption LinearB Gives them the ability to improve autonomously, without the involvement of managers. We are excited to collaborate with the company’s staff in expanding the automation solutions for developers. ”

The startup LinearB Founded the successful community for development managers Dev Interrupted Which will be launched in Hebrew as ‘Developmental Disorder’. The community has a podcast with over 2,000 downloads a week. In addition, the company hosts the conference twice a year INTERACT For development managers with hundreds of participants from over 90 countries around the world.

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