This is tuberculosis, one of the most dangerous ‘superbugs’

by time news

For years it was one of the most terrible and deadly diseases for humanity; Little by little, his presence could be reduced. Now, however, the cases of tuberculosis they grow back.

What is tuberculosis and what causes it?

Tuberculosis, notes the mayo clinic American, it’s an infection bacterial mainly respiratory in nature and, therefore, is spread through phenomena such as coughing or sneezing.

once common, the development of antibiotics and hygienic measures against microorganisms managed to reduce its prevalence until it became a rare disease. However, the HIV pandemic (a disease that compromises the immune system of patients) caused cases to begin to increase again starting in 1985. Currently, in addition, many strains are resistant to the most widely used antibiotics, with which becomes a disease that is increasingly difficult to treat and more virulent.

What are your symptoms?

La tuberculosis can remain inactive in the body of infected people for many years, without causing symptoms. In this state, it is not contagious; however, it should be treated as it can go into the active phase at any time.

When it does, tuberculosis causes a persistent cough (three weeks or more), often accompanied by the expulsion of blood and/or mucus and chest pain. The infection can also cause unintentional weight loss, fatigue, fever, night sweats, chills, and loss of appetite.

In rarer cases, tuberculosis can affect other parts of the body, such as the kidneys, spine, or brain. When this happens, the symptoms vary depending on the system in question.

A humidifier.

How is it treated?

Tuberculosis is treated with long courses of antibiotics, up to six to nine months. At the same time, if the infection is active, it may be necessary to provide support to the patient.

It must be taken into account that the drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis can sometimes have serious side effects, such as hepatotoxicity (toxicity to the liver). On the other hand, in recent times many strains have acquired endurance to antibiotics, making them much more difficult to treat.

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