This is what happens to your body if you stop drinking alcohol for 21 days

by time news

No one doubts that alcohol is one of the most harmful to health, and that quitting is a challenge for many people around the world. But the good news is that making this decision pays off almost immediately.

Dr. Harriet Bradley, medical director of the digital health care provider Livi, has told the Daily Mail what are the benefits in our body of giving up alcohol over time.

First week

improved sleep: Bradley says: “Alcohol causes us to have less restful REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. That means you wake up feeling less rested and are more prone to daytime sleepiness. Some studies suggest that REM sleep benefits learning, memory and mood. Your REM cycle usually returns to normal after a week, so you should expect to see an improvement in your cognitive function and mood, as well as feel more rested.”

More hydrated: Says Bradley: “Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that if you don’t drink enough alcohol-containing water, you can quickly become dehydrated. This is because alcohol causes your body to remove fluid from the blood through the kidney system at a faster rate. much faster than other liquids”.

“In the first week after giving up alcohol, and as long as you drink plenty of water, you should see better hydration levels, which means fewer headaches, more energy, and better physical performance,” he explains.

Better concentration: “When you drink, you lose about four times more fluid than you initially drank, which makes you severely dehydrated. Dehydration can cause headaches, affect nerve and muscle function, and cause headaches, fatigue, and nausea. When you stop drinking drink, you’ll find you have fewer headaches and much more energy throughout the day. You’ll also be able to focus on tasks much easier and faster,” she says.

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Second week

Improved Acid Reflux: Says Bradle: “Stomach acid production is often increased when alcohol is consumed, sometimes impeding your ability to get rid of bacteria. This can cause the stomach lining to become damaged, leading to harmful complications of reflux, such as reflux disease. by gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)”.

“However, most acid-related symptoms, such as reflux, will generally begin to improve within two weeks of giving up alcohol, as the stomach lining normalizes and acid production levels off,” he explains.

Third week

Liver damage is reversed: “A healthy liver should contain a small amount of fat. Excessive alcohol intake can lead to alcohol-related fatty liver disease, but this is often reversible and may improve as the liver regenerates,” says Bradley.

Images of a brain.

“Giving up alcohol for a few weeks allows the liver to recover, stopping inflammation and reducing fat deposits. Long-term excessive alcohol intake can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, a life-threatening condition in which the damage is not reversible.” , Add.

Weightloss: “Alcohol contains a lot of calories. A standard 175 ml glass of wine contains 133 calories, while a pint of 5% beer contains 239 calories, about the same as a Mars bar.

“Giving up alcohol for a few weeks, combined with a healthy diet, is a good way to lose some weight. But giving up alcohol can benefit your waistline in other ways, too. It should make it easier for you to make healthy food choices and you’re more likely to be motivated to exercise, especially if you also sleep better,” says the expert.

heart of a teenager

Better mood: “Dopamine regulation in the body will help you feel more motivated. You’ll start to feel more excitable, less anxious, and your memory function will start to improve,” he says.


Monica Grip. What REALLY happens to your body if you ditch alcohol for a month: Experts reveal the health changes you’ll see each week – from improved sleep in seven days to reversed liver damage. Mailonline (2021). Viewed online at on 03/03/2023

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