This is what happens to your body when you don’t eat breakfast

by time news

For breakfast you can choose from all kinds of options; for example, are you going for a sandwich, some crackers or yogurt? But… what if – although you really know how important it is – you sometimes skip the first meal of the day?


The German University of Hohenheim decided to find out how your body reacts when you skip breakfast. It should be noted that this is a small-scale study with only seventeen subjects. These adults were followed for three days while they followed a different diet every day. They omitted breakfast on the first day, skipped lunch on the second day, and had no evening meal on day three. Blood was taken after every day and what turned out? There weren’t many differences, but on the day that breakfast was skipped, glucose levels and insulin resistance were higher, which increases the risk of inflammation.

Fat reserves

That’s not the only thing. In people who skip breakfast, the body would break down fat reserves. But – the scientists emphasize – that is not exactly good news. It could confuse your metabolism, which can also lead to inflammation.

The importance of breakfast has been a point of discussion for some time and research is regularly done. For example, a previous study claimed that people who eat breakfast have a lower risk of high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels, but further research could not confirm this. According to many scientists, more research is therefore necessary, but for now we will never skip a meal again.

Source: Marie Claire | Image: iStock

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