This is what it costs to raise a child every month

by time news

The cost of raising in 2022 is 672 euros per month per child85 euros more than four years ago when it was 587 euros per month, which means an increase of 14,5%according to the complaint Save the Children.

He does so in the report “The cost of parenting”, which he presented this Tuesday in Seville, and which reveals raising the cost of parenting, which exceeds the general increase in prices, as inflation in Spain has increased by 11.3% from 2018 to 2022.

The organization notes that some of the costs of parenting have increased in this period at a value similar to inflation – such as food (13%), hygiene (9%), clothing and footwear (13%) or housing (15%) – while others have done in a much higher percentage: leisure and toys (25%), furniture and utensils (30%) or energy supplies (53%).

“This is putting many families in a state of disrepair who cannot afford the cost of parenting,” she said. Catalina Perazzo.

The cost of raising a child in decent conditions is “high” as well as “essential” to ensure its proper development, emphasizes the study, which argues that there are many families in Spain who they do not have sufficient income to cover this cost, which puts the well-being of your children at risk.

For 20% of families with poorer children, the cost of parenting is “unbearable”: almost 900,000 households (869,485) can not cover this amount even dedicating all their income, warned the poverty specialist of Save the Children, Alexander Elu.

“For these parents, parenting is a real drama: it comes down to whether they eat or we eat,” he said.

A percentage that reaches 54% in the case of households with children at risk of poverty who find it impossible to bear the cost of parenting.

It costs 30% more to raise a child in Catalonia than in Andalusia

This expense varies depending on the place of residence of the families, says the organization, which has found differences of up to 178 euros per month and child between the average cost of raising in Andalusia (641 euros) i Catalonia (819 euros).

“Raising your child in Andalusia is not the same as in Catalonia or Madrid”, warns Elu, who has remarked that in the Catalan community it is up to a 27.8% more expensive than the Andalusian.

The territorial analysis of the entity -which is limited to the communities in which it operates- reflects that the average cost of raising in Madrid is 814 euros, in the Basque Country 769 euros and in the Valencian Community 710 euros.

Reconciliation and food, the expenses that weigh the most in the basket

The needs of children vary as they grow and are reflected in the spending of families, which increases over the years and varies between 550 and 740 euros per month. Since 2018, the report details, raising costs have risen proportionately more in the older age groups.

For the 0 to 3 and 4 to 6 year olds, the biggest expense is conciliation -nursery, kangaroo, nursery school-, which represents a third and a fifth of the total, respectively. From the age of 7, the highest score is power supply i it reaches one-fifth of the total cost of raising.

However, Perazzo has claimed more help for families because in Spain, “where we start from a historical deficit”, parenting support policies represent 1.3% of GDP, one point below the European average.

Among the measures proposed by the organization are one new aid of 100 euros per month universally, tax menstrual hygiene products and diapers at the super-reduced rate of 4% VAT, or eliminate this tax, and update the real value of parenting supplements for families receiving the minimum living income and low income.

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