This is what world-famous bloggers wanted to know when they visited Lithuania: they read about it in the newspaper

by times news cr

Lithuania was recently visited by users of the online video platform “YouTube”, which is well-known and has more than 9 million users. Yes Theory, a subscription-based content creation group from Canada.

50 hours – that’s how much the bloggers spent in Lithuania.

What to see and what to do in our country, the guys decided to find out from the Lithuanians themselves – for that they invited a crowd of Vilnius residents and guests of the city to the “Summer Terrace”.

“A few months ago, we read an article that Lithuania is the best country to live in for those under 30 years old. That’s why we decided to come here and ask the young Lithuanians themselves what they think about the quality of their life”, said one of the members of Yes Theory, Ammalis Kandil.

Lithuanians themselves spared neither good words nor criticism for their country.

“I spent a year in the USA, after returning to Lithuania I began to value more the opportunity to be closer to nature – it is full of lakes and wonderful forests,” said one of the fans of the “Yes Theory” channel.

“We value the freedom that our parents fought so hard for. But we also have many problems, for example, the suicide rate among young people is extremely high. It shouldn’t be like this in the happiest country in the world,” said another.

“Right now, the conditions for living in Lithuania are the best they’ve ever been, but we fully understand how quickly we can lose that,” said the girl who came to the meeting with members of “Yes Theory”.

The Ukrainians and Belarusians in the crowd also spoke about our country – they thanked Lithuania for the help and the opportunity to live safely at home.

I was impressed by the love for my country

“Yes Theory”, which has millions of fans all over the world, visited Lithuania and tried what was recommended to them by Lithuanians they met on the street or in other places during the trip.

Over the course of more than two days, the bloggers visited the Lukiški prison in the capital, went to the Hill of Crosses near Šiauliai – they nailed a cross there themselves, visited Kaunas, and flew in a hot air balloon.

Lithuanians accompanied them on all excursions around Lithuania, so the guests heard all the stories about our country from the people living here.

As the creators themselves said, they were impressed by Lithuanians’ love for freedom and their country.

“I think it’s amazing that people here feel so attached to their land and nature. I heard from several people that one of the peculiarities of Lithuanian culture is the desire to rediscover and love places that were forgotten during the Soviet occupation,” said A. Kandilas.

The guests also admired the warmth of the Lithuanians.

“One of the warmest and most welcoming little countries I’ve ever been to,” said Staffan Taylor, one of the Yes Theory team members.

He is happy that more and more people are discovering Lithuania

The visit of well-known content creators to Lithuania did not go unnoticed by the mayor of Vilnius, Valdas Benkunskas.

“I think that the 50 hours that the creators spent in Lithuania is not enough to fully feel the charm of the country and the capital, so I have already invited them to visit Vilnius again. I promised to show myself beautiful places not only in the center of the capital, but also in more distant districts, to try exceptional places for dinner,” the mayor of Vilnius wrote on his Facebook account.

“We are glad that this topic is of interest not only to traditional media, but also to foreign bloggers and social network creators with millions of audiences. The YouTube channel “Yes Theory” video, which appeared a few days ago, in which the youth of Vilnius were interviewed, is just such an example. The video has already collected over 650,000 views. views.

These creators were also interested in the topic of the happiest young people in the world – because of this fact, they came to get to know the people of Vilnius and solve the secrets of that happiness. We hope that thanks to such widely known bloggers, who have confidence in the eyes of millions of followers, Vilnius will be discovered by more and more tourists not only from neighboring countries, but also from distant countries”, said Go Vilnius manager Dovilė Aleksandravičienė in a press release about the benefits for tourism.

2024-08-15 23:14:17

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