This is why bananas are not considered a suitable fruit in the winter health | Must-have information for better health | DW

by time news

Bananas are included in many meals that we usually eat for breakfast, such as banana bread, or adding banana pieces to cereal flakes with milk.

And there are those who prefer eating bananas alone. In all cases, bananas provide the body with the hormone serotonin (which gives us a feeling of activity and happiness). Thus, many believe that bananas are well suited for breakfast in the dark and winter months. Is this true?

Avoid bananas in the winter

Despite the temptation of bananas, experts warn against eating them on winter mornings. Why? The “Vital” health site answers this by saying that the biological clock in the body knows that it is winter now, as the body is not exposed to sunlight due to its absence behind the clouds.

Our body cannot generate enough vitamin D in the winter due to the absence of the sun. It is the vitamin that makes us feel energetic and energetic.

Here, bananas cannot compensate for this deficiency. Because the body knows that the time is currently winter, and therefore eating fruits that grow in warm and sunny areas, such as bananas, causes a disturbance in the biological clock, and increases our feeling of fatigue.

The “Vital” website advises relying instead on vegetables and fruits that grow in our surroundings during the winter season.


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