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by time news

Song of the partisans

Looking at this photo, optimists will say that Anne Hidalgo has some supporters. The pessimists will object that if they are all there, on stage, their support will not weigh heavily in the ballot boxes… On Saturday, the PS presidential candidate was at a meeting in Toulouse. She took the opportunity to call for the rebuilding of the public school, rebuild the hospitals, restore the wealth tax, before asking her comrades to come and sing the Marseillaise with her. Around the mayor of Paris, they were therefore seventeen. It’s already that.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Toulouse, behind Anne Hidalgo’s campaign, the socialists are preparing the post-presidential

spring bloom

Among the singers who came to support Anne Hidalgo when pushing the song, Carole Delga did not go unnoticed. The president of the Occitanie region, called upon to play a leading role in the future government of the candidate credited with 2% in the polls, dressed in a spectacular silk dress, allows us to recall that floral prints appeared for the very first times in VIIe century. At the time, the invention of xylography enabled Chinese craftsmen to reproduce designs of flowers, especially peonies, on silk.

Emergency pliers

Alongside Carole Delga, the presence of Patrick Kanner was remarkable on two counts. First, because it highlighted the absence of other pundits of the PS. Then, because it allowed the rehabilitation of an increasingly rare accessory. The last major politician to have dared the tie clip is to our knowledge François Hollande. A few years ago, the president had resorted to it to domesticate a tie and calm the Hollande bashing. Should we conclude that the tie clip is the accessory of desperate situations?

Read also The tie, at all necks


On stage, Saturday evening, were also two discreet teleprompters. Were these intended to remind Anne Hidalgo of the main lines of her speech, or the words of the Marseillaise? In the absence of an answer, these teleprompters remind us that there was a time when the so-called Donald Trump considered that their use by Barack Obama, then President of the United States, was illegal and unconstitutional. It was in 2009. When he came to power, Trump changed his mind and used them. That didn’t stop him from talking nonsense.

Red like hope

Finally, how not to notice the omnipresence of this red evoking more the color of the theater than that of socialism? It was at the beginning of the XIXe century that red officially becomes the color of shows. At the time, when the lights remained on during performances, this intense color made it possible to give the decor an additional dramatic dimension, and above all to make the actors on stage more visible. Optimists will say that this red is a good idea for Anne Hidalgo. The pessimists that it is a little late all the same.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers After the announced defeat, the PS hopes to rise from its ashes

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