This means that the pension will not be future-proof

by time news

2023-11-21 22:10:23

Is the Riester pension celebrating a comeback? Image: dpa

For old age security, it would probably be best if the traffic light didn’t decide on a pension package at all. In any case, what is currently being discussed is not enough.

Trust in pension provision requires a coherent pension policy, and this requires a clear analysis of the problem. But this is what both the government and society as a whole lack. There is already a lack of a common basic understanding of what the tasks actually are. Politicians run the risk of shifting billions of euros in contributions, tax money and private savings back and forth through rule changes – but without strengthening the stability of old-age provision or at least confidence in the hoped-for stability.

A few years ago it seemed possible to agree that the aging of society was putting the statutory pension pay-as-you-go system to a difficult test. And that a readjustment of the equalization of burdens between generations is necessary if otherwise a shrinking group of payers has to support more and more pensioners with ever higher contributions and taxes. But a consensus on this is no longer in sight.

#means #pension #futureproof

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