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Passwords, for the moment, are still the keys that give access to social networks and all kinds of Internet platforms. That is why it is so important that the user take precautions to make them as safe as possible. Something that many times, even most, is not fulfilled.

This has become clear, once again, with a recent study by the cybersecurity firm Home Security Heroes, 51% of common keys can be decrypted using artificial intelligence in just a few seconds, 71% in less than a day and 81% in less than a month.

To reach this conclusion, the company has tested nearly 16 million common keys in a password cracker that works by using artificial intelligence. In addition, she has shared a table that shows how the IA it takes longer and longer to access a key as it contains more characters and adds symbols and numbers in addition to uppercase and lowercase letters.

For example, artificial intelligence is capable of stealing a password made up of up to 11 different numbers instantly. However, if among the 11 characters there are also uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and signs, the time it currently takes for the AI ​​to access the key shoots up to 358 years. The longer and more intelligible they are, the more difficult it is for a machine to gain access.

How to know how long it would take to steal yours

The firm has also shared a tool with which the user can check how long it would take an AI to access their passwords. It is enough to enter the web and write any of the ones you use on any of your Internet platforms.

“Entries are completely private and are never saved or shared in any way,” they promise from Home Security Heroes.

Now, although the key, on paper, may seem very secure, the user must be careful and take other precautions if they do not want the data to end up in the possession of a malicious third party. One of the most important is through do not use the same password in several servicessince, in the event that one remains in the air, the cybercriminal on duty can use it to enter any account owned by the victim.

Likewise, it must be clear that, on many occasions, cybercriminals resort to sending emails and SMS messages to try to deceive the user and get him to reveal his passwords without realizing it. The best thing, as always, is, in addition to having a secure password, avoid sharing it with anyone else.

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