This profession that recruits: technical controllers, road safety players

by time news

Whether it’s an old jew’s harp, a nice collector’s item, or the pinnacle of electrical technology, one day or another, your car will have to pass through the expert hands of a technical inspector. (6,900 centers in France, 14,000 controllers). Like a doctor, he will give her a complete check-up to find out if she does not represent a danger for you or for the people you meet. And it is only once the precious sticker stuck on your windshield and on your car registration document that you will leave with a smile on your face and serene for two years.

This essential sector is in full recruitment. Throughout France, some 2,000 technical controller positions are to be filled with the various operators, according to the latest figures from Pôle emploi. (from October 2021 to October 2022). “The regulations changed in 2018, attacks Jocelyn Gombault, project manager at the observatory of automotive service professions. Before, to be a technical controller, a CAP was enough. From now on, you must have a professional baccalaureate. This changed everything in our recruiting. Moreover, we have 26% of vacancies not filled, it is less important than for bodybuilders but less well than mechanics. »

The sector must therefore appeal to high school graduates who seem more interested in joining a car dealership to exercise their talents.

A guaranteed job with a professional baccalaureate

The need to attract is so strong that control center owners have also revised the way they approach recruiting. If there is still a small struggle to hire experienced profiles, 75% of advertisements are now open to… beginners. A real revolution in this profession.

“Besides, with the professional qualification contract (CQP), and a 7-month sandwich course, you enter with a CAP to come out with the baccalaureate level but also an electrical certification. There are real strengths. The starting salary is also higher than that of a simple mechanic (1900 to 2000 euros gross)”, continues Jocelyn Gombault.

And Laurie Dorangeon, training manager at SGS, to drive the point home: “For two years, we have been going to high schools a lot, we need to make ourselves known, to make known our 9-week training (322 hours). Our objective is also to integrate women. We try to have at least one per session but it’s not always easy. We are an audit profession and they all have their place. They must realize that the profession of technical controller is accessible to them. »

90% permanent

Small thing and not least: if you enter training after your professional baccalaureate, you are guaranteed to have a job at the end of it. A major fact for many young people who are wondering about the post-baccalaureate and their entry into the professional world.

This sector is seeking to make itself known after having spent years in the shadow of other automotive trades. Especially since the market is growing steadily every year and it presents real training opportunities, not only for hybrid vehicles but also for electric ones. “They are real mechanics but they don’t have the hardship of this profession”, slips the observatory specialist again. Another advantage: 90% of offers are permanent contracts.

It’s your turn : the Youth Information and Documentation Center has written a sheet on these professions as well as employment center.

He is recruiting: Sébastien Danvel, president of the SGS group’s Self-security network

Sébastien Danvel is a man who expects only one thing: that his centers fill up with technical controllers so that the activity can run at full speed.

Posts. “At Auto Sécurité, we are looking for some 100 people and at our cousin, Sécuritest, it’s the same thing. (the two brands belong to the SGS group, 2,900 employees in France, 100,000 worldwide), launches Sébastien Danvel in the preamble. In particular, we need people who have a professional mechanical baccalaureate. But there are also qualification contracts or automotive after-sales BTS who can join us. »

Salary. “For a beginner technical controller, it takes 2,000 euros gross per month; 2600 to 2700 euros for a person with 5 to 10 years of experience, continues the director. The employee can have a vehicle to go home, a gas card and even a mobile phone depending on the benefits offered by our affiliate. »

Evolutions. “Right now, there are a lot of retirements. The technical control was launched in 1992 and, for some, the time has therefore come or they are approaching it. Balance sheet, there are centers to buy. On average, it’s 300,000 euros in turnover per year for 60,000 euros in profit. And then, we must not forget that getting started and creating a company does not cost very much. We can do it with 70,000 euros in a business without stock, without loss of material, with the customer relationship as the only central point. »

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