This reduces the heat loss in your house by 20 percent

by time news


Insulating the top floor ceiling can reduce heat loss in a house by up to 20 percent.

(Foto: imago images/Westend61)

Frankfurt In many cases, it is already mandatory in an energy renovation: the insulation of the attic ceiling. However, many owners often omit although it is comparatively easy and inexpensive to implement – and helps to drastically reduce heating costs.

The heat loss through an uninsulated attic ceiling can be between eight and 20 percent, depending on the size of the ceiling and its ratio to the heated room volume. Frank Hettler, architect and head of the information program Zukunft Altbau, which is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment, appreciates that. Nevertheless, according to his observation, the insulation of the ceiling is often forgotten.

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