This robot allows people with ALS to move their arms

by time news

ALS is a neurodegenerative disease it damages cells in the brain and spinal cord necessary for movement.

“This study gives us hope that the technology of portable robotics may help us develop new devices capable of restoring the functional capacities of the extremities in people with ALS and other diseases that deprive patients of their mobility”, says Conor Walsh, lead author of the article published in “Science Translational Medicine”.

These robotic accessories are very safe because they are made of fabric and inflatable balloons and are capable of significantly assisting movement of the upper arm and shoulder in people with ALS.

The prototype is made of cloth and works wirelessly thanks to a battery. “Is technology is very simple in essence», says Tommaso Proietti, first author of the article.

To help ALS patients, the team developed a sensor system that detects residual arm movement and calibrates the pressurization of the balloon actuator to move the person’s arm smoothly and naturally. The researchers recruited 10 people with ALS to test how well the device could prolong or restore their movement and quality of life.

Participants took less than 15 minutes to learn how to use the device

The team found that the soft robotic device – after a 30-second calibration process to detect each user’s unique level of mobility and strength – improved study participants’ range of motion, reduced muscle fatigue and increased performance. in tasks such as holding or reaching for objects. Participants took less than 15 minutes to learn to use the device.

“Unlike traditional rigid robots, when a soft robot fails it means the balloons simply stop inflating. But the user does not run no risk from being injured by the robot,” says Proietti.

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