This room is not suitable as a workplace – 2024-08-05 18:57:43

by times news cr

2024-08-05 18:57:43

Working from home gives us more autonomy and we gain time. However, the stress level is higher for most people compared to working in the office. Why is that?

Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, and thus for over a year, millions of employees have been working fully or partially from home. Home office has established itself as the new normal. Many companies are guaranteeing their employees flexible working models for the future. While some appreciate the advantages of working from home, others feel more stressed than at their workplace. But why is that? We asked Tanja Queckenstedt, business psychologist BA from Berlin.

t-online: Studies show that more and more people working from home are complaining about concentration problems, sleep problems or depressive moods. Why is that?

I think there are several reasons for this. Firstly, there is a lack of exchange with colleagues. Secondly, it is also a problem of blurring boundaries.

In the office, people take breaks more often as a group and there are conversations in the hallway. In the home office, all of this is completely missing and people automatically allow themselves fewer breaks. Many employees also had children doing home schooling for months and therefore found it difficult to concentrate on their work. Many also set up their workstation in the wrong place in their home.

Where is a bad place for the work corner?

The bedroom is definitely the worst place for a home office. The work and relaxation areas must be separate from each other. This is important in order to switch off after work and get a restful sleep at night. If you don’t pay attention to this, you risk stress, which can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health.

Tanja Queckenstedt holds a BA in business psychology and is a lecturer in health psychology in Berlin, as well as the author of the non-fiction book “A Head Full of Ideas” on the subject of creativity.

And what do you do if the apartment is so small that there is no alternative?

This is precisely when rituals are essential. For example, wearing work clothes to work and changing clothes after work. Or introducing a daily walk straight after work. Anything that helps to send the signal that “work is over now” encourages boundaries.

Working from home is not only a stress factor for families with children. Single people in particular find the situation stressful.

That’s right. As part of a project at the beginning of the pandemic, it became clear that single parents and singles in particular were reaching their limits. They were often alone all day and couldn’t communicate with anyone – except in video conferences. Virtual team events cannot compensate for this.

For families, the balance was somewhat more positive, especially for those who received support from their grandparents and were therefore able to enjoy time together at home. But even among them, after the initial euphoria, dissatisfaction increased.

This has to do with the Corona situation. Especially at the beginning of the pandemic, there was no end in sight. Many are still afraid that there will be new waves. These unknowns contribute to the situation being perceived as stressful.

What can people working from home do to reduce stress levels?

You should pay attention to fixed structures and working hours and allow yourself regular breaks or stick to these breaks. Relaxation and mindfulness exercises can help reduce stress levels and find inner peace. You should also avoid opening your laptop and checking your emails after work.

What relaxation methods can you specifically recommend to combat stress?

This is very individual, just like the feeling of stress itself. Yoga helps some people, kickboxing helps others. Sport is very important for reducing stress. But meditation or creative activities can also be extremely effective, especially in stressful times.

Doesn’t the employer also have a duty to ensure that his employees remain physically and mentally healthy?

What measures would be important?

There are companies that ensure that employees stop working after a certain time. Some are particularly attentive to employees with children and do not expect them to do the same workload as in “normal” times. It is also important to stay in touch with employees and talk to them regularly on the phone so that they do not feel isolated. Managers should be trained to develop more empathy and individual solutions for each employee in the team.

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