This specialty chose the second best score

by time news

2023-11-11 01:00:22

The process of National Examination of Aspirants to Medical Residencies (ENARM) 2023 It’s still going and now it’s time to talk about it. second best score at the national level. From his study method to achieve an outstanding result to the specialty he chose.

According to what was published by the Interinstitutional Commission for the Training of Human Resources for Health (CIFRHS) This year, just over 45,000 applicants registered. They all came with the hope of getting a place to become specialists. Unfortunately not everyone is going to get it.

Who was the second best scorer in ENARM 2023?

On the same day that the test is administered, each candidate obtains a sheet with their final score. While later, according to her qualification, the order in which the specialties will be chosen is defined. The tallest are always first and therefore are the most likely to choose what they want without pressure.

For its part, in the ENARM 2023 he Dr. Emmanuel Lopez Ruiz He did an outstanding job and obtained a final score of 82.67. With this he became the second best candidate in the entire test at the national level.

Due to his performance, the young man was interviewed by the Dr. A.S. Rewho offers a study course, to learn a little about his future ambitions and the key to being one of the most outstanding in the test.

Which specialty chose the second best ENARM 2023 score?

Within what he said was that he chose the specialty of Ophthalmology. What attracted him most to this option is the direct diagnosis to patients. It is also surgical and adds that it is useful for society due to the importance of the sense of sight.

An important point is that this is not the first time that the ENARM because in the past he had already gotten a place and selected Family Medicine. He even completed two years and while he was R2 he realized that it was a specialty that completely satisfied him and he also had personal problems.

Based on the above, he decided to resign from his hospital and prepare for the ENARM 2023 until you become the second best score nationally. Its preparation began on January 2, just after the New Year celebrations. Therefore, for nine months he focused on reviewing the Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) to arrive with fresh knowledge to the test.

Interesting data about the second best score of ENARM 2023

He is originally from Celaya. He studied a Bachelor’s Degree in Surgeon at the University of Guanajuato. He did his social service in León. He studied Family Medicine for a year and a half but gave up the specialty. He now chose the specialty of Ophthalmology.

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#specialty #chose #score

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