this subcontractor of Veolia, Suez and Paprec who exploited undocumented migrants

by time news

2023-08-29 13:00:01
Ten of the workers who occupy the Veolia sorting center, accompanied by the CGT coordinator Ali Chaligui (behind, in a white T-shirt), in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, August 28, 2023. CYRIL BITTON / DIVERGENCE FOR “THE WORLD”

They are among those who, in waste treatment centers in the Paris region, sort paper, cardboard and plastic bottles that Ile-de-France residents slip loose into their yellow bins.

Without papers, for some even without a work contract, employees for several years of NTI, a subcontractor of the Veolia, Paprec or Suez groups, responsible for this public service by local authorities, they have decided to denounce their conditions in broad daylight. of work, close to exploitation, with the hope of obtaining regularization.

Since Monday, August 28, eight men and three women have occupied the XVEO Veolia sorting center in Paris, supported by the CGT and political supporters, such as the MEP Pierre Larrouturou (New Deal).

“I could talk to you four hours, four years even, and that would not be enough to say what I have been through since I have worked for NTI, says Aïcha, 37. Now that’s enough, I want to raise my head, I want my rights, my papers. Work sorting, okay, but no longer in these conditions. »

Accelerated cadences

Originally from Morocco, these employees knew NTI – previously EPS – in 2019 or 2020. As a subcontractor, this company seems to operate like an interim agency: it sends staff to the sites to complete the Veolia or Paprec teams.

But in working conditions and much less pay, according to the testimonies that The world collected, at the heart of an ongoing investigation by the labor inspectorate. For them, they say, the cadences of the chain are accelerated “maximum”. After their day of sorting, the women move on to cleaning, the men to the maintenance of the trommels, these mechanical sorting tunnels. Overtime never paid. Hardworking at will, they are notified of upcoming missions by SMS, always at the last moment. Sometimes they follow one another without any real rest time.

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Employees show themselves in photos sometimes at Suez, in Créteil (Val-de-Marne) or in Paris 17th, at Paprec, in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) or in Saint-Ouen-L’Aumône (Val-d’ Oise), at Veolia, in Paris 15th, Vaux-le-Pénil or Saint-Thibaut-des-Vignes (Seine-et-Marne), among others.

Several have also been assigned to disinfecting buses or cleaning hospitals during confinement. “The chef picked us up in a van at 4 a.m. at the Courtilles metro station in Gennevilliers and dropped us off there, without telling us where we were going”recalls Aisha.

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