This trick makes Google Maps on Android Auto even more useful

by time news

Google Maps it undoubtedly represents one of the most popular services among the many offered by the Mountain View giant, a tool that has become almost indispensable for numerous users for their daily travels.

And Google’s navigation service is also very important in Android Auto, the solution designed by Google to provide users with an assistant for their travels, all with the aim of allowing the driver of a vehicle to maintain concentration fixed on the road, exploiting the potential of Google Assistant for managing multimedia aspects and communicating with your contacts.

A trick to make better use of Google Maps on Android Auto

The union between Google Maps and Android Auto represents a very useful tool for many users but there is always the possibility of improving it and an example is that relating to a trick that allows you to see the next directions during the journey.

When navigating, Google Maps only shows the next step (for example, a right or left turn) but on some occasions it may be important to display the next one as well.

On Google Maps you can see a preview of the route while setting up the navigation and, once started, you can also swipe on the navigation directions to see what the next step is.

Well, this system also works on Android Auto and the following video, published on Redditoffers a practical demonstration of this functionality:

When directions for the next steps on the route are shown, Google Maps will jump to that specific point on the map and the directions tab will change color, going from green to gray.

This feature has already been available for many months but, according to what we learn from the comments published on Reddit, many were still unaware of it.

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