this way you recover even better

by time news

Yes, our muscles need protein. And yes, the timing of this is important. But do you really need the protein shake or high proin pasta? Runner’s World gives you 8 tips to be smarter with protein. Spoiler alert: start and end your day with protein.

1. Eat smaller portions of protein more often

As a fanatic athlete, you need about 1.5 to 2.0 protein per kilogram of body weight. More is not necessary to recover even better, to develop more muscle mass or to be able to adapt (adapt) to training better. More important than that total amount is how you distribute it over the day. Preferably eat a portion of protein of about 20-30 grams every 3-4 hours. That way, your body can make much better use of it than if you eat a larger amount three times a day.

2. Choose a meal if you can, a shake if you have to

If you pay attention, breakfast, lunch or dinner quickly contains 20-30 grams of protein. You get it not only from fish, meat or dairy, but also from vegetables, bread, pasta, rice or, for example, peas and beans. In addition to protein, a varied meal also immediately contains vitamins, minerals, fiber and (hopefully) healthy fats. All substances that contribute to recovery. Do you have the ability to eat a meal within 45-60 after your workout? Then that is always preferable to a protein shake. Are you on the road for a long time after your training or traveling at all? Then a protein shake can be a smart way to eat enough protein.

Also read: 5 signs that you are eating too little protein.

3. Choose smart snacks

If you want to get protein every 3-4 hours, that means that your snacks also preferably contain protein. You cannot get twenty to thirty grams from an apple and/or a handful of nuts. Better snacks are cottage cheese, skyr or (Greek) yogurt with fresh fruit, bread with protein-rich toppings (chicken fillet, egg, cottage cheese) or possibly that protein shake.

4. Look at a label

Numerous products today claim to be high protein. But pay close attention to the portion you eat. For example, nuts are sometimes known as ‘rich in protein’. But to get 20 grams of protein from nuts, you quickly need to eat about 100 grams. Other products may contain more protein per serving than you initially thought. Just think of cottage cheese, pasta or quinoa and kidney beans.

Also read: 4 lunch recipes with cottage cheese.

5. Eating before bed is allowed!

Did you train hard? Then it certainly doesn’t hurt to eat something of protein after your dinner, just before going to sleep. Especially if there is more than 2 hours between your dinner and the moment you go to bed. Your body can use this protein all night to recover. At night is the time for your body to repair muscle damage. In the supermarket you will find really tasty chocolate mousse, salted caramel pudding or vanilla custard with extra protein (and often without added sugars). Ideal before going to sleep. Cottage cheese or yogurt before going to sleep is also fine.

6. Variation is key

Protein contains several building blocks, called amino acids. There are some that our body can make itself and some that we have to get through our diet. Some products contain a few amino acids, some contain the whole range. You need them all for good health and good recovery. Vary the type of protein you eat. This way you can be sure that you are getting all the amino acids. Think of egg (including the egg yolk!), beans, quinoa, fish, meat (substitutes), whole grains and nuts and seeds.

Also read: This is what happens when you eat too much protein.

7. Start your day with protein

Muscles are continuously active and in a phase of breakdown or build-up. They do need protein to build up. After a night without food, your muscles will enter a phase of breakdown, provided they are not getting any protein. It is therefore very important to eat some protein with your breakfast, especially if you start training afterwards. Big advantage: by also eating enough protein at breakfast, your blood sugar level remains more stable for the rest of the day and you are less likely to have a snack or snack. Smart options are (Greek) yogurt with muesli, bread with egg, chicken breast or cheese or, for example, oatmeal with cow or soy milk.

8. Choose smart plant products

Do you prefer to eat (completely) plant-based? You can also get enough protein. Please note that vegan cheese and vegetable drinks (especially almond or rice drinks) often contain little to no protein. Vegetable protein is slightly less well absorbed by our body than animal protein. The portions may therefore be slightly larger for you. Also remember to combine different types of protein in a meal. This way you ensure that you get all the amino acids. Whole wheat bread with nut butters or whole grains (such as whole wheat pasta) with legumes (such as chickpeas) are smart combinations.

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