this will be the first great immersive and cybernetic exhibition of the Empordà genius

by time news

David Moran


Updated:24/05/2022 17:48h


The future of art, assured Salvador Dali,
it will be cybernetic or it will not be. «It is indisputable that masterpieces cannot be made without computers and cybernetics. This is the future of painting», he left said in 1981, years before he died and more than four decades, forty years of almost daily revolutions, when the cybernetic mutated into the digital and his works began to leave galleries and museums to surrender to the siren songs of immersive technology. «He advances, he is interested in DNA and in new dimensions to reflect reality. Dalí already said that he had an electronic brain », explains Monte Aguer, director of the museums of the Gala Dalí Foundation, in a still bare room of the Ideal Digital Arts Center in Barcelona.

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