This will be the new IMSS Zone General Hospital

by time news
  • For the construction of the new IMSS Zone General Hospital, 1,199 million pesos are expected to be invested.
  • Of that figure, 789 million pesos will be for the work and 409 million for its equipment.
  • It plans to provide hospitalization, outpatient consultation, specialties, intensive care, general, paramedical and outpatient administrative services, as well as diagnostic and treatment assistants.

When it comes to health, you should never skimp on resources because it is a service that benefits entire populations. With this in mind, the H. Technical Council of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) approved the construction of a Zone General Hospital. In this way, not only will medical care be offered to the beneficiaries, but also new sources of employment will be opened for health professionals.

Where will it be located?

According to the information provided, the hospital will have 72 beds and will be located in the capital of Guanajuato. The land where it will be built was donated by the City Council of said municipality in favor of the institution in order to build the hospital and the work to replace the Family Medicine Unit (UMF) No. 50.

In an ordinary session, presided over by the General Director of Social Security, Zoé Robledo, representatives of the labor, employer and government sectors, voted unanimously in order to benefit the rights holders in various municipalities of the entity with the increase in the number of countable beds, medical and specialty services.

The director of Administration of the IMSS, Borsalino González Andrade, explained that The HGZ with 72 census beds will replace the Subzone General Hospital (HGSZ) No. 10, which began operations in 1979, has 20 beds and provides services to 226,179 beneficiaries.

The planned investment is 1,199 million pesos, of which 789 million are for the work and 409 million will be used for equipment. In addition, it is projected that the conclusion of the hospital work will be ready in 2024.

He stressed that the HGZ will benefit beneficiaries of the municipalities of San José de Iturbide, Dolores Hidalgo, San Luis de la Paz and the capital of Guanajuato.

Characteristics of the new IMSS Zone General Hospital

González Andrade pointed out that the medical program plans to provide hospitalization, outpatient consultation, specialties, intensive care, general services, paramedical and ambulatory administrative, as well as diagnostic and treatment assistants.

“Among the advantages of this hospital is the increase in quality, equity, and accessibility of Second Level care services; comprehensive medical care by identifying risk factors by age group, and an increase in the resolution capacity of health services in the area of ​​influence”.

Regarding the land where the 72-bed HGZ will be built and the replacement of UMF No. 50, he indicated that the area It is located in the Arroyo Verde neighborhood, has more than 31,000 square meters and was donated by the Guanajuato City Council in favor of Social Security.

The general director of the IMSS, Zoé Robledo, highlighted that this case is of great relevance, “because in the same session of the Technical Council we are receiving the donation and, at the same time, requesting authorization to build the unit, I think it had never been done with that haste, because we are being very careful that what is donated to the Insurance and received, goes hand in hand with the infrastructure plan that was presented and approved in this Council”.

In turn, the president of the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (CONCANACO-SERVYTUR), José Héctor Tejada Shaar, said on behalf of this Confederation and the employer representatives, his approval for the construction of facilities that contribute to cover the demand for health services in the area, since the hospital infrastructure dates from the sixties and seventies.

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