This will change the way you navigate

by time news

2023-12-21 18:33:29

After several years of discussions, the auction of the 5G band was finally held in Colombia, which will be operated from 2024 by Claro, Telecall (from Brazil), the Tigo – Movistar Temporary Union and WOM.

The fifth generation of mobile technology (5G) promises to revolutionize the way you connect with the world through devices, because among its advantages is that it offers greater speed and reduced latency (response from one server to another ).

In everyday life, this new network will increase the number of devices connected at the same time per square kilometer. That is, if up to 100,000 devices are connected with 4G, up to 1 million will be connected with 5G.

Regarding download time, an example: downloading a two-hour movie on a computer, under ideal conditions, with 3G it takes 26 hours, in 4G between 6 and 10 minutes, and with 5G it will be 1 minute.

To find out more: On February 1, 2024, 5G deployment begins in Colombia: find out which operators will do it

According to a report carried out by mobile operators in the third quarter of 2023, there has been a reduction of 51.96% in the use of 2G and 15.45% for 3G, and there is also a growth trend in the use of the 4G of 15.2%.

The health sector will be one of the most benefited by the arrival of 5G in the country, because it will allow new technologies to be included in medical procedures. With this network (later, when it is more consolidated) a professional will be able to perform remote surgeries from anywhere in the world with the support of robots.

Although it seems like science fiction, this will be possible because the connection network will have shorter delay times, reaching levels of microseconds. With 5G networks, response times will be a tenth of what they are with 4G. This means that the lower latency will allow the use of sensors to be increased in a multitude of applications.

Other beneficiaries of lower latency will be video gamers, who will have better experiences because they will find less delay in games and better image quality.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) from now on will be more connected ecosystems. Connected devices will be able to communicate and exchange information. Smart homes will coexist with smart appliances, including devices to control electricity consumption, security systems and entertainment systems. The dream of building smart cities will be possible.

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How dangerous is 5G for health?

The World Health Organization (WHO) explains on its website that to date, and after several investigations carried out, no adverse health effects have been causally linked to exposure to 5G networks. These conclusions about the consequences of this technology on health are drawn from studies carried out throughout the radio spectrum, the entity said. However, he clarified that few studies have been carried out so far.

“Tissue heating is the main interaction mechanism between radiofrequency fields and the human body. “RF exposure levels from current technologies result in a negligible increase in temperature in the human body,” says the WHO.

And he adds that as the frequency increases, there is less penetration into the body’s tissues and energy absorption is more limited to the surface of the body (skin and eyes). “As long as overall exposure remains below international guidelines, no public health consequences are anticipated.”

Cybersecurity tips for using the 5G network

Although the implementation of this technology will be gradual and will take several months, the computer security company Kaspersky shared some recommendations to prepare before the arrival of 5G:

1- Install an antivirus solution on your devices: these products will help prevent your devices from being infected.

2- Use a VPN: These types of services prevent strangers from accessing data without permission and spying on online activity.

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3- Implement strong password security: always use security keys when available. Long strings of random and varied characters are among the best possible passwords. Include uppercase, lowercase, symbols and numbers.

4- Update default support passwords for all IoT devices: Always follow the devices’ instructions to update administrator credentials. To find this information, consult the manufacturer’s technical manuals or contact them directly.

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5- Keep IoT devices updated with security patches: this includes your mobile phone, computers, all smart home devices and even the car’s infotainment system. Remember that any device that connects to the Internet, Bluetooth or other data radio must have the latest updates (applications, firmware, operating system, etc.).

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