This you must do to get an extra point

by time news
  • ENARM 2023 will be applied from September 26 to 28 in three national venues.
  • As in previous editions, ENARM offers the possibility of obtaining an extra point in the final result.
  • The report with the selected pages will be published in November on the CIFRHS website.

The competition within the health union means that it is not enough to have a Medicine degree. In addition, it is also necessary to have a specialty to be able to aspire to better working conditions. For this purpose it is necessary to present the National Examination of Applicants for Medical Residences (ENARM) and in case you did not know, there is a way to obtain an extra point in the final result.

First you must start with a very important clarification. You should never let yourself be influenced by the opinion of other people because being a general practitioner does not make you less compared to specialists. A lot of effort is required to complete the Bachelor’s degree due to all the complexities of the career.

In the same way, to be a specialist one requires one’s own initiative and not the obligations of others. Although if it is really your aspiration to continue with your professional training then You must first earn a place in the residence.

How to be more likely to succeed in the exam?

With this in mind, a few days ago the Inter-Institutional Commission for the Training of Human Resources for Health (CIFRHS) published the call for the ENARM 2023 and something that is striking is that it is possible to obtain an extra point within the final qualification.

This opportunity arose from the pandemic and has been maintained ever since. From the outside, it may seem insufficient, although in reality one point can make the difference between success and failure. Sometimes just a few tenths are enough to achieve a place in the residence.

The first thing that the call mentions is that the selection of Mexican doctors is determined by the number of places authorized by each health institution, for each specialty and, in accordance with the clinical fields of the endorsed specialty courses. in it National Service of Medical Residences (SNRM) by educational institutions and by the number of scholarships for medical specialty studies offered by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) through their specific calls.

The key to get an extra point in ENARM 2023

The doctors of the Mexican category who have carried out community social service within the country in areas of high and very high marginalization will obtain ONE additional POINT in the “Total Score out of 100”, at the time of obtaining their “Exam Score Report”. stated in numeral 11.1.1 of this Call.

Community social service in units authorized by the CIFRHS It must be duly documented by means of a certificate of affiliation and acceptance or a termination letter issued by the state health services.

The pages will be ordered in descending order according to the “Total Score” obtained in the XLVII ENARM 2023. In the event of a tie in the “Total Score” between two or more supporters, the tie-breaking criteria will be applied, which will be published in the “Guidelines for specialty selection of the XLVII ENARM 2023” that will be published after 6:00 p.m. on 2 October 2023.

For its part, the call also mentions that without any exception, reviews of the score report and exam are not carried out.

Finally, the report of the selected doctors will be published during the month of November 2023 on the CIFRHS website.

Also read:

What you must do (and what not) to pass the ENARM 2023

News at ENARM 2023: Choice of venue and selection of 3 specialties

ENARM 2023 official call: Dates, cost and venues

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