Those making noise will pay more – Kurier Wileński

by time news

“The government basically agrees with the MPs’ proposal, but points out that the amount of fines for noise in public spaces must be proportionate. For disturbing public peace, it is proposed to establish slightly higher penalties than those currently in force, but lower than suggested by the initiators of the project, the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania announced in a press release.

Read more: The Ministry of the Interior will save Góra Zamkowa

Typical causes of conflicts

The problem of noise is particularly important in resorts, mainly in the summer season, as well as in housing estates in the evening and at night.

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— Typical causes of conflicts with neighbors are usually loud music and shouting. People who disturb the peace and public order in the evening from 19:00-22:00, at night from 22:00 to 7:00 are subject to a fine of 20 to 80 euros. However, first-time offenders are only required to pay half of the minimum fine. If the same person commits such an offense again, the amount of the fine imposed on him will range from 80 to 300 euros, says Ramūnas Matonis, head of the communication department of the police department at the Ministry of the Interior, in an interview with “Kurier Wileński”.

According to the deputies, the currently applicable penalties for this type of offenses do not discipline adventurers to a sufficient extent.

The fines would increase several times

According to the draft of the Sejm deputies, after the amendment of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine of 80-300 euros would be imposed for the first violation of the law. Managers of institutions or companies would face fines of 300 to 500 euros. In the event of repeated administrative violations, individuals would receive a fine of €300-500, and the manager of the institution or company where the noise was recorded would receive a fine of €500-700. Such amendments were tabled by the conservative deputies Mindaugas Skritulskas, Bronislovas Matelis, Audrius Petrošius, Andrius Kupčinskas and Antanas Vinkus, a member of the faction of the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania.

The government is proposing smaller fines

The draft resolution of the government indicates that the penalties proposed by politicians are even several times higher than the penalties provided for other administrative offenses related to public order. Therefore, the government proposes to impose fines of €80 to €200 for the first offense for natural persons and €200 to €300 for legal persons. For repeated public nuisance, the fines would range from €200 to €300 for natural persons and €300 to €400 for legal persons.

You can report the noise to the police

Fines are provided for shouting, whistling, singing or playing musical instruments loudly, listening to music loudly or other noisy activities in streets, squares, parks, beaches, public transport and other public places, and in residential premises, businesses or institutions between . 19:00-22:00 and 22:00-7:00.

Anyone who suffers from noise can call for help by dialing 112 and reporting violations via e-mail to

Read more: Noisy neighbors – a problem for apartment dwellers

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