Those whom the “mainstream state-affiliated” media will not honor

by time news

2023-05-18 20:00:00

EDITORIAL – Yesterday, having duly paid tribute to the members of the government, who went to great lengths to shamelessly disguise the truth (false truths and real lies), to fallaciously justify the illegitimate and freedom-killing measures they took during the Covid-19 ( current series), and for “annoy” the non-vaccinated, I had the counterpart, the inverse reciprocal towards all those who opposed the dictatorship of the single thought, and suffered and still suffer its wrath today.

A fortiori when, now, the results of all the surveys that have been carried out on the subject have validated the definition of the term “conspiracy” that the supporters of these extraordinary people have shared on social networks:

“A conspirator is someone who is right before everyone else.”

Definition to which I allow myself to add this:

“But who is treated as a fabricator by all those who, not admitting to having been fooled, prefer to believe what they are shown to be a lie rather than the truth. And this even after the thesis put forward by the “conspirator” imposes itself on everyone as being the truth demonstrated by A + B, and this even after the authenticity of this truth has been confirmed by the authorities.

I am obviously thinking in the first place of the late Professor Montagnier, Professor Perronne, Professor Raoult and all the members of his IHU in Marseille, as well as the other doctors who treated rather than left to die.

And, similarly, a thought to the caregivers who, beyond their duties, refused to participate in the inoculation of an experimental product which we now know to be ineffective or even toxic.

So let’s not pay homage either (you will have understood my irony) to an Independent Scientific Committee (ISC), composed as it is by many of these charlatans “extreme droaaate which is moreover anti-Semitic”et “highly remunerated by BigPharma” . Of the “terrorists in white coats” should have even outright told the media “state-affiliated dominants”(since highly subsidized by it), as now appears on some digital platforms.

These media that I found in the end very tender towards them, now that I think about it, given the arrogance they had to invoke logic, science and common sense in support of their preposterous theories, these self-proclaimed scientists here is the non-exhaustive list: Hélène Banoun, Laurence Muller-Bron, Sylviane Noël, Michèle Rivasi, Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Christine Cotton, Laurent Toubiana, Pierre Chaillot, Amine Umlile, Alain Houpert, Louis Fouché, Vincent Pavan…

Nor should we pay tribute to the jurists who, through the actions they have brought and the advice they have given, have opposed the state apparatus with a little success: Diane Protat, David Guyon, Carlo Brusa, Ludovico Heringuez, etc.

And let’s not pay tribute to the associations and collectives who fought alongside them: ReinfoLiberté,, Reaction19, and all the others that (sorry) I forgot here…

Let’s not pay tribute to all the little ants, who contributed with their few means but good humor, to make France continue to be France.

Let’s not pay tribute to politicians and journalists who had the courage and panache (1) to verify what was presented as science, and not to forget what science meant, who had the courage to do, precisely, real politics, real journalism, nor to all those who, in their respective fields, they too have not bent their backs despite the pressure and prejudice.

Let’s not have a warm and grateful thought for: Martine Wonner, Nicolas Dupont-Aignant, Florian Philippot, François Asselineau, André Bercoff, Ivan Rioufol, Miriam Palomba, Mike Borowski and the worst of all: Xavier Azalbert.

And of course let’s not pay any tribute to the personnel rightly suspended for refusing to give in. Quite the contrary.

Shame on them !to have clinging tooth and nail to the Hippocratic oath, to their free will, to the right to medical secrecy, to their intimate conviction and other chimeras of this ilk, totally obsolete as they are in a modern world where lies is king, mystification the rule and perjury the norm.

PS: many of the people who deserve to appear in this editorial are sadly missing. It is only for lack of time and space. So please absolve me. THANKS.

Notes :

(1) “The panache is the prerogative of those who see and do things big, despite very small, too small means. Don Quixote but in real life, and who, faced with our current politicians, are fighting more than ever against windmills.

#mainstream #stateaffiliated #media #honor

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