thousands of French people are entitled to it

by time news

2024-07-03 09:20:13

Some French people use this opportunity to change jobs.

This is a right that many workers are not aware of. However, it can prove to be very useful in the working world. Although the desire to change companies is common throughout the year, it is not always easy to start research. Taking the time to review different offers, revise your CV and write your cover letter(s) is not easy. And when you finally get the interview, a thorny question arises: when can I go there while I still have my job?

Generally, these meetings are scheduled during the lunch break or at the end of the day, for the convenience of the candidate. However, there is another little-known solution for being able to leave your job for a few hours at any time of the day to honor your interview… and also to find out about different announcements.

Many collective agreements allow employees to dedicate themselves to finding work regardless of their professional obligations. This is especially the case of the first in the private sector, the Syntec contract, under which almost a million workers work. This provides that “employees have the right to be absent for work attendance for six working days per month, taken each month at one or more times, at most for half-days.”

This means that it is possible to take Tuesday afternoon or Thursday morning to find another job, either to search through offers, write your application or travel to your interview. But be careful, these absences can be ordered by the employer after you have resigned and they are unpaid. This therefore leads to loss of salary. On the other hand, in the case of layoffs, these absences are paid as traditional leave.

Other collective agreements also provide for furlough hours to employees who resign in order to find work. These include advertising agencies and clothing stores. People hired under a contract can devote two hours per working day to looking for a job, once they are unemployed, while maintaining their salary.

An idea that many employees should look into soon, as the summer season is prone to job changes. In the 3rd quarter of 2023 (July-August-September), approximately 560,000 withdrawals were recorded and 530,000 already in 2022 in the same period.

#thousands #French #people #entitled

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