Thousands of Gur followers demonstrated in the city of Bnei Brak • Documentation

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A few hours after the hearing in the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court, in a lawsuit filed by people affiliated with the Gersh Alter community against the son of Rebbe Magor and 17 rabbis and senior Gur Chassidim, thousands of Gur Chassidim gathered tonight (Sunday) across Hazon Street A man in Bnei Brak, for a protest rally.

One by one, this morning the Rebbe Magor, heads of yeshivas and senior rabbis in the Tel Aviv court appeared on the defendants’ bench for the first hearing of the criminal complaint filed against them for “publishing defamation with the aim of harming.” Call it “intervention in pure education,” and the defendants’ desire to go to Torah court.

The masses filled Hazon Ish Street in Bnei Brak and carried protest signs that read: “Rabbis and educators on the dock” and “The opinion of the judges will not determine the position of education.” During the rally, speeches were made by the heads of the yeshivas and rabbis.

The first speaker, Rabbi Aryeh Zilberstein, rabbi of Gur Chassidim in Bnei Brak, said, among other things, that “tonight we are taking the Holy Torah to the streets of a city. Tonight we take out the thousands of young men and students who contain thousands of pages of Gemara in cash (BF), all under the leadership of the Rebbe Shlita Magor.

“Do not touch the Messiah. We have generations of generations of our holy community, which has a formula of devotion to the Torah, devotion to fear, and devotion to holiness and purity. Our fathers and forefathers, spit blood for holiness and purity.”

Rabbi Meir Flexer, Rosh Yeshivat Chidushei Harim, said in his remarks that “we do not move from the Holy Torah. My teachers and gentlemen, what else can be done and heard from going to the courts? We will declare loudly and will be heard in the voice of our holy masters. “

Rabbi Daniel Lieberman, Rosh Yeshivat Nezer Yisrael, said: “We want to recognize the spiritual authority of Israel’s leaders.

During the ceremony, the letter of the Dayan Hagar Nosboim was read: “To the crowd that gathered to protest the honor of the Tzaddik. I would like to point out personal testimony that the members of the Gur Chassidut committee debated in court each time and this time too they wanted to litigate in court and asked that it be only according to Torah opinion. “

Closing remarks were delivered by Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Landau, one of the heads of the Shefati Tzadik Yeshiva:

“Nothing happened in Israel, the members of the group dared to file a criminal lawsuit against the son of the Rebbe Shlita and against rabbis and heads of yeshivas and educators so that the spiritual leadership would be disciplined by the court judges.

“We are protesting against going to court against the law of Torah and as Maimonides wrote as if he had sharpened and insulted and raised a hand in the Torah of Moses. We declare that in any lawsuit we may come to litigate our holy Torah. ”

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Shortly after the rally began – it ended, and the masses of participants were asked to return to their homes on the roads they had reached the rally, by land and without interruption.

It should be noted that the court accepted the position of the prosecuting attorney in the case, Adv. Shlomo Elbaum, and told the minutes that “there is no talk of education at Gur institutions”, but at the same time, Gur Hasidim explain that we have a duty to check To the courts, the claim of rabbis and educators and intervention in pure education. “

Attorney Jacques Chen, representing the defendants, said after the hearing: “There was a hearing today during which we filed our harsh response to this unfounded complaint, we are sorry that good and dear, God-fearing people were dragged to court – but there is nothing to do. We will deal with these allegations, you can already be impressed by our response to the letter of complaint what it is, we will wait and see. “

Attorney Shlomo Elbaum, representing prosecutor Akiva Grinzig, both from the Gersh Alter community, said after the hearing that the court denied what was written in the informant that there was an attempt to intervene in education. “The court dictated to the protocol that there is no attempt to interfere in education, there is only one thing, to stop incitement, violence and terrorism.”

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