Thousands of Nigeriens demonstrate in support of the putschists

by time news

2023-08-20 16:01:20

“Ready to die for the fatherland”. On Sunday morning, several thousand Nigeriens demonstrated in the streets of Niamey in support of the putschists, while the threat of a military intervention by ECOWAS still hangs over Niger.

And as during each demonstration favorable to the new regime, many slogans hostile to France and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) were chanted or displayed on placards, noted journalists from the AFP. “No to sanctions”, “halt to military intervention”, could we read, in particular, on the Place de la Concertation in Niamey. Russian flags were also waved.

On Saturday morning, thousands of volunteers had already gathered near the Seyni Kountché stadium in the city center of the capital, responding to a call from several organizations to be registered on lists as potentially mobilized civilian auxiliaries. in support of the armed forces, noted AFP journalists.

A transition period not exceeding “three years”

The protest comes the day after a televised speech by Niger’s new strongman, General Abdourahamane Tiani, who overthrew elected President Mohamed Bazoum in a July 26 coup.

In this speech, he outlined an initial transition schedule. Announcing the launch of a national dialogue, he specified that the duration of the transition would not exceed “three years”.

#Thousands #Nigeriens #demonstrate #support #putschists

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