thousands of people fleeing –

by time news

The vulcano Nyiragongo, one of the most dangerous in the world according to experts, located a few kilometers from Goma, the capital of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has woken up and is erupting with loud explosions. Thousands of people are fleeing to the border with Rwanda, while the authorities call for calm. In 1977 the volcano, three thousand meters high and densely populated slopes, caused more than 600 deaths.

The eruption at 19 local time, colored the sky red, causing panic among the city’s residents of nearly 2 million people. There is confusion and fear, as the local governor said it was the Nyiragongo volcano, whose last eruption in 2002 caused hundreds of deaths and left roads and airport runways covered with lava. There are currently no reports of victims.

In an appeal for calm, General Constant Ndima he said that checks are underway and people must follow the instructions of the civil protection units. The UN mission in DR Congo has sent a helicopter over the area and confirmed the eruption, however lava is flowing towards Rwanda. The city of Goma and its surroundings are safe, said the mission, known by its French acronym Monusco, which is based in Goma. Electricity has been cut across much of the city and hundreds of residents have begun to leave their homes. Some made their way from the southern end of the city to the nearby border post with Rwanda, while others headed west to Sake in the neighboring Congolese region of Masisi.

May 22, 2021 (change May 22, 2021 | 23:34)


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