Thousands of unpublished pages by Salinger will be published

by time news

2023-10-25 13:41:00 – The American writer JD Salinger, author of “The Young Holden” has left upon his death in 2010 thousands of unpublished pages that will be published when his son and executor, Matt Salinger, finishes the transcription work.

It was 1963 when JD Salinger, born in New York in 1919, published the last of his books, “Raise the Lintel, Carpenters / Seymour: An Introduction”, and since then, 60 years ago, he has published only one story in the New Yorker magazine.

The so-called “blackout Salinger” it was a silence that became one of the most intriguing literary legends, that of the writer who had decided to give up publishing, fame, interviews and public appearances, and to retire for the rest of his life.

But he never stopped writing and, when he died, he told his son “very clearly”: “Publish everything, even what was ugly. Although in those pages there is more beauty than ugliness”, said Matt Salinger in a meeting with the journalists in Madrid.

Matt Salinger, who together with his father’s widow manages his literary legacy, is in Spain for a series of meetings for the 70th anniversary of the publication of his father’s first volume of short stories – “The Nine Tales”, which contains the famous “A Day perfect for banana fish.”

The transcription work will continue for another year and a half or two, Matt Salinger said. The Salinger that the reader will find in his unpublished works is the same as in the rest of his work, since “he always followed the search for the values ​​of art, beauty, kindness, with a particular sense of humor”, specified his son, warning but that “there will be some surprises”.

Matt Salinger also recalled that taking part in the Second World War and the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps influenced his father’s writing and made him appreciate beauty, love and the ephemeral even more. it is in nature.

But also that his father kept the conflict alive throughout his life over the decision whether or not to continue publishing, a commitment that, he feared, would take time away from writing.

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