Thousands protest in front of the attorney’s office, the police prevented Rothman from coming to the hearing

by time news

A national council meeting of the Bar Association that will discuss the reform of the judicial system is taking place today (Thursday), with MK Gilad Karib, former chairman of the Law and Justice Committee, participating in it and present at the discussion, while MK Simcha Rothman is participating in the meeting via the Zoom app.

“I call on the leadership of the chamber to make its voice heard. I thank the people who stand up here against the moves of Rotman and Levin. The side that does not allow negotiations and agreements are Netanyahu, Levin and Rotman,” said Kriev before the hearing.

In the meantime, thousands protested in front of the bar association at the reception for Rothman, and Knesset member Gilad Karib came down to talk to the protesters. From a security point of view, the Knesset officer and the police forbade Rothman to enter the bureau building, and therefore he will, as mentioned, speak on the Zoom app.

Attorney Eran Ben Ari said in response: “It is impossible for protesters outside to determine who will enter the gates of the office. If Simcha Rothman does not come to the yeshiva and is forced to participate in Zoom, it is impossible to have a din in this format. Gilad Kriv will be honored and there will be Zoom as well.” Attorney Yitzhak Netovitz also said: “We need to protest that Simcha Rothman is being prevented from entering the gates of the office. Democrats are rioting.” Attorney Amit Bachar pointed out: “It was not the bureau that prevented Rothman from entering, the responsibility lies with the police.”

A commotion broke out in the National Council of the Bar Association. Photography: Avraham Bloch

The candidate for the headship of the Bar Association, Avraham Lalum, told “Maariv” in response to the fact that Simcha Rothman could not attend the bar’s national council meeting due to the protests: “We are sorry to hear that MK and chairman of the Law, Constitution and Justice Committee, Simcha Rothman – who is also a lawyer in addition to everything, to honor us with his presence at the important event of the Bar Association. It’s no secret that we believe that Attorney Rothman is a listening ear for the Bar Association, as he is one of the other 80,000 attorneys in Israel – whose voices will not be heard now in the honorable debate.”

Council member, attorney Eran Ben Ari, called the protesters who prevented Simcha Rothman from participating in the council meeting on legal reform: “radical and violent people who are gnawing at the foundations of Israeli democracy.”

MK Karib announced that he expects Rothman to say that the bills will not pass the second and third readings in the current session. According to him, “the representatives of the bar have an important part in appointing the judges. Right now, the appointment of the judges is being fully politicized. It may be necessary to expand the composition of the Supreme Court by three or four judges for a certain period.”

Kriv referred to Rotman, saying: “The situation in which MK Rotman walks around with security is very disturbing. I don’t know if his arrival was prevented because of a demonstration outside, or because of a general statement that given the stormy day he was advised not to be in general at public events. I am very sorry for the result.

Attorney Netovich interrupted Kriv, saying: “I want to hear a condemnation of the rioters below.” They should be condemned. It’s a slippery slope.”

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