Threats, insults and frustrations… the CGT emerges weakened from a tumultuous 53rd congress

by time news

On the first day of the 53rd congress of the CGT, Monday March 27 in Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme), a delegate demands that the votes of the congress members be recounted after a show of hands. JEFF PACHOUD/AFP

STORY – The presence of cores of radical elements within several federations disrupted the gathering of activists, already white-hot by the debate on pension reform.

Special envoy to Clermont-Ferrand

«Is this the CGT? We are not able to listen to each other? It’s a shame!“, gets carried away Catherine Perret, this Tuesday March 28, in front of an assembly which whistles it copiously. This confederal secretary of the outgoing office is harshly attacking certain members of the trade federation.

The day before, when “the comrade” of the Puy-de-Dôme union (UD 63), which hosts this 53e congress of the CGT in Clermont-Ferrand wanted to deliver his welcoming speech, the latter went on stage and attacked the chairman of the session. Standing around him, they accused him of wanting to deprive them of their right to express themselves. Two of them then grabbed the microphones to harangue the crowd. “Don’t let your congress be confiscated“, Launches one, before accusing the president of the session of doing “the 49.3 of the CGT“. The following? Only the people present on the spot know it, the CGT preferred to cut the video broadcast in front of this show that many…

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