three injured in shooting in East Jerusalem

by time news

Three people, including two Israelis, were shot and wounded Saturday (October 8th) at a checkpoint in occupied East Jerusalem, Israeli police said of an attack “terrorist”. The third individual whose nationality is not specified was only hit by “splinters”according to the Magen David Adom (Mada), the Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross.

A police spokesperson said in a statement that a “Terrorist shot two Israelis, seriously wounding them” at an Israeli checkpoint near the Shuafat Palestinian refugee camp.

According to Mada, the people injured by bullets are in their twenties and were taken to a hospital. “It is a woman in critical condition and a man in serious condition”, according to the same source. The third person, injured by shrapnel, was treated on the spot, she added without further details.

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A suspect on the run

A journalist from Agence France-Presse (AFP) saw a woman dressed in a security force uniform receiving treatment in an ambulance. “Police are currently looking for a suspect who has fled” the scene of the attack, police said. A helicopter and special forces participate in the manhunt. The area was cordoned off by the police. Dozens of officers were deployed around the checkpoint and inside the refugee camp.

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid denounced the attack, calling it a « grave ». “Terrorism will not win, we are strong even in this difficult evening”he said in a statement.

In the northern occupied West Bank, two Palestinian teenagers were shot and killed earlier Saturday in a new raid by the Israeli army, according to an official Palestinian source.

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The World with AFP

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