Three injured leave train derailment in West Virginia, USA

by time news

And train with four locomotives and 22 empty wagons derailed this wednesday in West Virginia, United States (USA), causing injuries to three of the crew of the means of transport.

The CSX Transportation company stated in a statement, quoted by local media, that the train lost its course supposedly due to a rockslide near Summers County.

As it turned out, it fire the main locomotive carrying a driver, an engineer and an engineer apprentice for which they suffered injuries and were being treated, although it was clarified that their lives are not in danger.

Similarly, the locomotive was very close to a river where an unspecified amount of diesel and oil spilled, so they are being deployed Containment measures, according to the authorities.

Agencies belonging to the State continue to review the area, and explained that in various monitoring systems of tributaries of the river they have already been notified to be attentive on the magnitude of the impact of the spill.

However, the text issued by the company clarifies that the train It was not transporting hazardous material and there are no risks for the nearby population.

Several accidents of this type have occurred in a span of just over a month in various parts of the US.

The most important of all occurred on February 3 when a train with 149 wagons loaded with chemical substances derailed in Ohio, causing serious environmental damage.

Source: teleSUR

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