TRENTO. In the month of August, reports of sightings of bears in Trentino there were 38, slightly less than in July (46). Damages also decreased, with effects mostly affecting agricultural products, but also some chicken coops, apiaries and livestock (sheep and goats, two donkeys, two calves, a foal). This is what emerges from the monthly report of the Province of Trento published on the portal Grandi di carnivori in Trentino.
In particular, at the beginning of the month three different bear incursions occurred in the Municipality of San Lorenzo Dorsinoin charge of organic waste bins, later replaced with a less accessible bell. As part of the activities aimed at collaring the young confident bear M91, on August 4, again in the territory of San Lorenzo Dorsino, an adult bear was captured, collared and released, later identified as F7.
On the following August 5th a bear was grazed by a vehicle between Cles and Mostizzolo. The animal moved away immediately. Monitoring of the area where the animals were present continued. little bears Kj1. Very few reports have been received and some genetic samples that could belong to the little ones are being analyzed.
As regards the wolf, during the month of August, reports were received relating to three new reproductions in the packs in Val Breguzzo-Daone, Paganella-Gazza and Latemar. Damage to livestock grazing in mountain pastures has increased compared to the month of July. The most preyed animals are sheep and goats, but they have been 9 donkeys also attacked (of which six killed), eight cattle and a sheepdog injured. On August 13th a wolf was hit by a vehicle on the Sp89 in Trambilenobut he moved away after the impact.
Finally, there is no more news of the specimen of line B132, while in the territory of San Lorenzo Dorsino the presence of a new reproductive nucleus of golden jackal (the third confirmed in Trentino).
2024-09-12 02:57:48