Three out of ten young university students in the Valencian Community do not know what the energy transition is | Environmental News

by time news

2023-07-04 10:03:19

The Valencian Community is a very vulnerable to climate change both due to the increase in temperatures – the spring of 2023 was the warmest since 1950 – and due to the decrease in rainfall.

This can have a very negative impact on agriculture, fishing and tourism, economic pillars of the region, in addition to the coastal ecosystems. Despite this, a large part of the university youth in the region have never heard of the energy transition: only 72% of the youth surveyed for a study carried out by the University of Alicante for Ayuda en Acción indicate that they have heard of it. she. In addition, they recognize that their level of knowledge on the subject is medium-low.

University youth does show a high level of concern for the environment 5.4 out of 7, being significantly higher for women compared to men (5.70 versus 5.27). In relation to this, the acceptance of the energy transition policies that are currently being carried out in Spain is medium-high.

The survey It also reflects that Valencian university youth feel more positive than negative emotions regarding the energy transition, highlighting concern (in the case of men) and hope (in the case of women) as the most prevalent emotions.

Although it has been shown that women are more vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change, especially those belonging to low socioeconomic strata due to their traditional role in society and the distribution of gender roles and responsibilities, the vast majority of the youth surveyed did not perceives it that way. Almost 95% of men and 83% of women believe that the costs associated with the energy transition are suffered by both sexes equally. Of course, women do perceive a significantly greater benefit from the transition than men.

Worry and little action

Despite the high level of concern, Valencian university youth are more likely to carry out pro-environmental behaviors in the private sphere (for example, saving energy or water), but there are few pro-environmental activism actions in the public sphere (environmental activism), which are carried out mainly by women.

Young people, whose imaginary of pro-environmental activism is a young woman or man with university studies, are practically unaware of outstanding women in environmental activism in Spain, although there is substantial knowledge of international personalities such as Greta Thunberg.

Need for greater awareness

All of the above suggests the need to improve communication and education about the energy transition in Spain so that young people can better understand how this process is developing and make informed decisions. In this sense, it is important to increase awareness actions. And this is the exact objective of the project Just1planet, program where the study carried out by researchers from the University of Alicante is framed. The project, financed by the Generalitat Valenciana, is aimed at promoting the active citizenship of young people in the fight against climate change and compliance with the SDGs, with a gender and human rights approach and through a participatory methodology.

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