Three quarters of Germans want a different migration policy

by times news cr

2024-09-14 21:24:35

The approval ratings of the traffic light coalition are plummeting. Both the parties and individual politicians are currently more unpopular with Germans than they have been for a long time.

Three out of four Germans (77 percent) currently believe that a different asylum and refugee policy is needed so that fewer people die. 18 percent believe that such a change in asylum and refugee policy is unnecessary. This is according to the ARD “Deutschlandtrend”.

According to the survey published on Thursday by the infratest dimap institute, AfD supporters in particular (97 percent) want a different policy in this area. BSW supporters (91 percent) and Union supporters (86 percent) also largely see it this way. Among SPD supporters, almost two thirds (65 percent) and 48 percent of Green supporters see it this way.

Overall, the topic has become more relevant for many Germans in recent weeks. 48 percent said that immigration and flight are among the most important political problems, which is 22 percentage points more than in the previous month. This is followed by the economy (20 percent) and social injustice, environmental and climate protection and education (12 percent each). Internal security was of particular importance to 10 percent of those surveyed.

According to the survey, the FDP has fallen significantly. The Liberals are now at just four percent (minus one point) and would fail to return to the Bundestag. The CDU and CSU remain clearly ahead with a combined 33 percent (plus one).

The AfD also improved by one point and reached 17 percent. The SPD follows in third place with an unchanged 15 percent. The Greens follow with eleven percent (minus one). Eight percent are predicted for the Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) coalition (minus one). The AfD improved by one point and currently has 17 percent. The Left Party would remain well below the five percent hurdle with three percent. Other parties accounted for nine percent.

Satisfaction with the current federal government has reached a new low of just 16 percent. That is four percentage points less than in August. The last time approval for an incumbent government was this low was in August 2010, when the CDU/CSU governed together with the FDP.

Leading traffic light politicians have also lost support. Only 27 percent are satisfied with Economics Minister Robert Habeck, 20 percent are satisfied with Finance Minister Christian Lindner and only 18 percent are satisfied with Chancellor Olaf Scholz. By comparison: former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder never fell below 24 percent in seven years in office, and former Chancellor Merkel never fell below 40 percent in 16 years.

Infratest dimap surveyed 1,309 eligible voters for the poll from Tuesday to Wednesday of this week. The statistical margin of error was given as plus/minus two to three percentage points.

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