Three re-education measures did not calm down the young man filmed breaking a woman’s jaw with kicks (review) – 2024-08-01 14:43:36

by times news cr

2024-08-01 14:43:36

The 56-year-old woman from Perni recently passed away stroke, she was disabled first category

The court left the 17-year-old student in custody

17-year-old Daniel P., filmed brutally beating a woman in Pernik, had a serious criminal history despite his young age. He was punished three times with re-education measures, “24 Chasa” learned. We are not publishing his full names as he is a minor.

Daniel, who will turn 18 in August, has been caught twice with drugs and once for stealing. After the police in Pernik detained the student, they sent the materials to the local commission for combating anti-social behavior of minors, which imposed re-educational measures. He led a report in the Children’s Pedagogical Room.

On Wednesday, Daniel, who was detained on Monday, appeared before the Pernik District Court, which remanded him in custody. The case was heard behind closed doors because of the young man’s age. After the hearing, it emerged that he had cried in court and claimed to be sorry. He explained that he was nervous because he had broken up with his girlfriend.

The condition of the 56-year-old woman remains serious.

She recently had a stroke. She went to drink coffee every morning at the establishment where the brutal scene of violence took place. It was the same on the night of July 29. Around 4:40 you took your caffeinated drink. The two minors arrested for the crime passed by another store. There, an acquaintance of theirs told them: “Be careful, this one is mentally ill. He broke my car mirror some time ago.” He also showed them a clip. There is no official data that the woman has a mental illness.

Immediately after this conversation, the young man – dressed in black clothes, goes to the woman and talks to her.

“My aunt has difficulties in speaking because she is disabled in the first group. He also had a stroke. The boy asked her what she was doing there. She said she was drinking coffee,” the nephew of the attacked woman, Boris Vassilev, told Nova TV. And she explained that a young man asked her: “How are you going to drink coffee here?”.

This is when his friend Daniel also appears. He is wearing a hoodie and shorts. On the clip, distributed on social networks, you can see how, without saying a word, he begins to hit the woman in the head. She falls back along with the chair, and he kicks her in the head and body. The brutal beating lasts for at least 15 seconds, after which the youths walk away in the dark. Then the saleswoman comes out of the 24-hour store and starts yelling at them.

The beaten woman initially refused medical help, but her later it got bad and was taken to hospital by her nephew. She has a broken jaw and is in a coma.

The video, which appeared on social networks, angered the mayor of Pernik, Stanislav Vladimirov. He played the picture of the young man. (See box.) “24 Chasa” published it with blurred eyes, since Daniel has not yet turned 18.

Because he is a minor, the student could face up to 3 years in prison on his current charges of misdemeanor assault. This means he will get away with a suspended sentence as all first sentences of up to 36 months are suspended. It is possible that the other young man will also be charged. For now, he is a witness.

Because of the ugly scenes, Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov asked the court to permanently detain Daniel. (see box) District magistrates decided there was enough evidence against the young man and remanded him in custody.

This is not the first case of violence that has angered the residents of Pernik. In 2022, the whole town rose up against the son of the Pernish prosecutor Biser Mihailov – Vasil, who had been several people. Some of his antics were filmed and circulated on social media, yet local police and prosecutors did not react.

Vasil was detained only after the residents of the city said that they would not tolerate it any longer, even protesting.

Vasil, who is 20 years old, spent more than a year in detention, and even there he did not stop with his outbursts of anger. He had to be transferred to the prison in Bobov dol. The young man is currently under house arrest. A case is pending against him in the Sofia District Court, in which dozens of witnesses were questioned. It is about his hooliganism. He is also accused of beating and threatening to kill his ex-girlfriend.

The mayor of the city Stanislav Vladimirov: I publish a photo of one of the attackers for edification

I was outraged to learn of the terrible incident in which two men (one beating, the other watching) beat a defenseless woman in Pernik. This act of violence is unacceptable and will be punished! There is now ZERO TOLERANCE TO CRIMINALS in Pernik. We are fighting and we will make our city calm and safe, much safer than Sofia. We will expose thugs, thieves and criminals and prosecute them both legally and publicly. With the many municipal and private cameras, almost no one CAN get away undetected. Pernik will have no tolerance for such criminal individuals!

With this post, I am posting a photo of one of the attackers for your edification. Let this image be a reminder that Pernik stands behind its citizens and will protect each and every one of them. Together we will build a city where everyone can feel safe and secure.

The thug has been arrested.

(From Facebook, the original has been preserved spelling)

Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov: A cynical display of violence

I strongly condemn the cynical display of violence in Pernik, where a young man beat a defenseless woman. The act of hooliganism was carried out with extreme audacity and grossly violates established social norms.

A check in the records of the Ministry of the Interior shows that the minor perpetrator is known to the law enforcement authorities – he was arrested for possession of drugs and theft. I expect today that he will be imposed the most severe measure of remand – “detention in custody”.

I hope for good news for the victim of the abuse, whose condition remains serious.

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