‘Three Things’ That a 72-Year-Old Grandmother Who Contested a Beauty Pageant Never Eats

by times news cr

2024-07-25 06:56:20

Captured from Marissa Teijo’s Instagram.

A woman in her 70s who became a hot topic by competing with her granddaughters for the beauty crown shared her secrets for maintaining her youth and beauty.

Marisa Teijo (72), a former elementary school teacher and grandmother of a 21-year-old granddaughter, was the oldest contestant in the Miss Texas USA pageant held in Texas last month. Although she did not win the crown, she inspired confidence in many middle-aged and older women.

“It’s an opportunity to inspire older women. Women our age can do what young women are doing,” she said. Encouraged by a friend to enter the competition, she said she “achieved my goal” after getting the response she had hoped for from other contestants and their mothers and grandmothers at the competition held in Houston in June.

She, who garnered attention for showing off her distinct ‘six-pack abs’ during the swimsuit competition, recently revealed her usual diet and exercise habits in an interview with the popular culture media outlet ‘People’.

‘Three Things’ That a 72-Year-Old Grandmother Who Contested a Beauty Pageant Never Eats

Captured from Marissa Teijo’s Instagram.

First, diet.
She said her diet consists of lots of vegetables, fruits, and oatmeal. She also eats meat. She occasionally eats chicken and fish, and enjoys the occasional steak.

However, do not eat cheese, dairy products, processed meats (such as ham and sausage), or white bread (made from refined wheat flour).

I do ‘deviate’ occasionally, to the extent of eating cookies made with almond flour and a little sugar.

Captured from Marissa Teijo's Instagram.

Captured from Marissa Teijo’s Instagram.

Second exercise.
She strongly emphasized the importance of strength training (weight lifting). She started strength training at the age of 40 and practiced it 5-6 days a week. She had been running and doing step aerobics consistently before, but her body began to change when she started doing strength training. She praised weight training, saying that strength training can create a great body shape, and that the muscles in her upper body make her waist look thinner, giving her a “coke bottle body.”

Recently, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve reduced my strength training to about three days a week. The other days, I do cardio, an exercise bike, or walking.

She emphasized that the most important secret to maintaining good health is to ‘keep moving without stopping.’

Captured from Marissa Teijo's Instagram.

Captured from Marissa Teijo’s Instagram.

“I’m very active. I don’t stop. And I highly recommend this to everyone. Don’t stop using your body. No matter how old you are, you can still move. If you keep moving, you’ll be able to move well even as you get older.”

According to one study, a combination of strength training and cardio can help you live longer. You don’t have to spend a lot of time in the gym. Just 30 minutes of muscle-strengthening exercise a week can reduce your risk of death from diseases such as cancer and heart disease by 10% to 20%.

The common characteristics of residents of the ‘Blue Zone’, which refers to areas where people live long and healthy lives, are high activity levels and a diet mainly of plant-based foods, with occasional consumption of animal-based foods, which is not different from Mr. Teijo’s lifestyle.

Reporter Park Hae-sik, Donga.com [email protected]

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2024-07-25 06:56:20

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